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2 Sonos one in 2 mono groups

I have 2 sonos One, the have to play in 2 different offices - but as 2 mono devices.

because if I put them in stereo mode, when turning up the volume on one device automatically turns up the volume on the other.

therefore I need them to be 2 seperate units - but playing the same playlist..

how is that possible ?

Each speaker will be it's own "Room" and then you just group the two Rooms together in the App. 

They will play the same playlist then.

To increase individual volume, use the volume "button" on the speaker itself or click the group Volume silder on the App and it will bring the individual Volume sliders up.

Use the “Group” feature.

If they are a Stereo Pair you will have to re-assign them as two seperate "Rooms" in the App.

When they’re grouped, you will see a volume bar to control the group’s volume. If you click on it, it will expand to give you independent volume sliders for each room/speaker.