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Hello, I am very new to the Sonus system, having just bought my first Sonus products, a Sonus Arc and a pair of Sonus One SL as surrounds barely a week ago. The setup which I had expected to be straight forward and easy wasn’t so, as the surrounds weren’t connected at first and took me a few tries. And when I accidentally turn off one of the power switch to one of the surrounds, that Sonus One SL speaker was “lost” and not shown in the Sonus app after I turn it back on. It is like several minutes later before it appears. 


So far, other than the initial hiccups, the system is working great, at least most of the time, although I experience sound cut-off when playing movies from AppleTV. But that will be for another topic. 


I am thus wondering what exactly will happen if I turn off the power to all my Sonus device at the same time? And when I turn it back on, will the system finds itself and preserve it’s settings? Or I have to find to re-setup everything? And how long does the system takes to “rediscover” itself? I have not actually tried that out as I don’t wish to go thru the setup process again or risk something gone wrong. 


Thanks in advance. 

Sonos is designed to be ‘on’ at all times, after several minutes of no signal, it enters a low power state, waiting for the next signal.

Effectively, you can consider your Sonos devices in the same manner as a computer, since they actually are a computer built in to a speaker. Yes, they will remember settings across power outages (with some minor exceptions...I think they lose position in a playlist, for instance, but remember the playlist itself). There is a finite boot up time, which I’ve never bothered to measure. 

As with most electronic devices, there is a certain amount of degradation in the electronics as it goes through a typical heat cycle of powering off and on. It’s hard to measure, and varies somewhat based on the quality of the metals used, but in general I would recommend that due to the fact that they’re really designed to be powered on at all times, you leave them as such. If you’re going to have them unused for a length of time, such as a vacation, there’s no reason that you can’t unplug them, but if you’re using them daily, I wouldn’t power them off. 

Sonos is designed to be ‘on’ at all times, after several minutes of no signal, it enters a low power state, waiting for the next signal.

Effectively, you can consider your Sonos devices in the same manner as a computer, since they actually are a computer built in to a speaker. Yes, they will remember settings across power outages (with some minor exceptions...I think they lose position in a playlist, for instance, but remember the playlist itself). There is a finite boot up time, which I’ve never bothered to measure. 

As with most electronic devices, there is a certain amount of degradation in the electronics as it goes through a typical heat cycle of powering off and on. It’s hard to measure, and varies somewhat based on the quality of the metals used, but in general I would recommend that due to the fact that they’re really designed to be powered on at all times, you leave them as such. If you’re going to have them unused for a length of time, such as a vacation, there’s no reason that you can’t unplug them, but if you’re using them daily, I wouldn’t power them off. 


Thanks Bruce for the reply.