
Trying to have Beam and Move play together

  • 20 January 2021
  • 9 replies

So i’ve just bought beam and move and have been woefully disappointed that i neither group two speakers for surround for TV watching or playing spotify in separate rooms at the same time together.  For grouping, the app says you need 3 or more rooms! I’ve come across posts such as this

saying you can and also articles such as this that inspired me to incorporate TV and music about the house. 


I’m seriously thing about returning these speakers and going full out audiophile with an amp and some fyne’s.



Best answer by 106rallye 21 January 2021, 09:12

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9 replies

No, grouping does not require three rooms, you can easily group just two rooms. It is the button that says ‘group all’ that will only show up when there are more than two available rooms to group. There is nothing stopping you from grouping two rooms, just the missing ‘group all’ button. 

Userlevel 7
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As Bruce says, you can group the Beam and Move (as long as your Move is in wifi mode on your network rather than in Bluetooth mode).

Just to also add to the above comments, you can also stream either the same or different Spotify audio streams to two (or more) Sonos Rooms at the same time using the Sonos App.

Sometimes I think Sonos should just list the “Everywhere” group even in 2 room setups. 

To the OP, there’s a difference between grouping and group names.  Group names allow you to save group configurations so you can access them quickly, with less clicks. There is a default group name “Everywhere” that groups all your speakers/rooms if you have more than 2.  The reason you don’t see a group named “Everywhere” is because when you only have two speakers, grouping “Everywhere” is the same number of clicks as simply grouping the two rooms, so the group name is superfluous.  

Ok thats encouraging thanks very much. You are going to have to handhold walk me through this little a 3yr old toddler as i cant find how to do grouping. I have this on my app with grouping in grey 


Userlevel 7
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Googling “Sonos groups” gets me here: Kamers groeperen en groepen opheffen | Sonos


Use this button in the Sonos app on the page of the speaker you want to group from.

Yay! Did it! Pressed down the hold play button of the speaker not playing to group. Phew! Thanks for your help! As it was all dutch to me!

Userlevel 7
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Sorry, I was under the impression that the links I post revert to your own language when you land on the Dutch page - as they do on my computer (the reason why I seem to have no choice but to post them in Dutch). As Dutch is my native language my computer is set to Dutch.

Good to see it helped you anyway, and thanks for letting us know!

Here’s another way. See attached animated.gif that briefly demonstrates the grouping process too. Just start with the middle icon on the main bottom toolbar.