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I can’t airplay to a set of stereo paired Play5’s. The speakers don’t show in the device’s options on the iOS now playing widget. The pair isn’t discoverable in the Home app either. (Removed during my troubleshooting and am now unable to add the stereo pair.)

When I unpair the speakers, I am able to both airplay to speaker and add the speaker to the Home app.

Adding the gen1 Play5 as a stereo pair to my gen2, breaks airplay and integration with Home app.

Steps reproduce:

1. Airplay to stereo pair of Play5’s. Fails, no such device listed in airplay device list within the iOS widget. (Playing music to the stereo pair works as expected via the Sonos app.)

2. Unpausing the stereo pair from the Home app fails. Grayed and unresponsive.

3. Separate the stereo pair within the Sonos app.

4. Airplay via iOS works on the gen2 speaker.

5. Add the gen2 speaker to the Home app successfully.

I lost the ability to airplay to the set of speakers two weeks ago and would an assist in getting the stereo pair back up and running.

I’ve tried all three channels in the Sonos app, power cycled the stereos and my network. Using a Netgear 6700 router and things look ok on my end.

How or what are you using to add your play5 (gen1) to the play5 (gen2) as a stereo pair? That’s not a Sonos supported setup and is probably why AirPlay and the iOS HomeKit App are not recognising that type of setup for AirPlaying purposes.
How are you getting the gen 1 and 2 to stereo pair as I thought that was impossible? Are you using sonosequencr? If so then that is probably the answer.
Sonos app > Settings > Room Settings > Choose the speaker of choice in your network > create or separate stereo pair.
Well it must be a bug in the current version of the App then, as the two different speakers cannot normally be paired with each other. That is why you are possibly having problems here.
Thank for the reply. I have had these play5’s in a stereo pair via the Sonos app since last Christmas when I got the gen2. Then was using airplay to the pair since the update. The pair stopped playing a couple of weeks ago. The iOS app auto updates so I need to look up when the latest one was to see if I can correlate.

Are you sure they were actually stereo 'paired' and not just simply 'grouped' together ?
Upon install I used the pairing option in the Sonos app and when testing out some music via the same app it seemed to be parcing off the channels. Given I was streaming compressed audio, I I was just happy to have multi-room support and didn’t overthink the pairing. Btw, I had an IP issue. Power cycling the network again with the 5s unplugged and then bringing the 5s online fixed my issue. I can ask Siri to play music in my living room and both 5s and my pair of HomePods sing!

I’m pretty sure the setup you had paired together, is not officially supported by Sonos. I have heard others pairing speakers using 3rd party Apps, but I have not heard before (until now) that such pairs could AirPlay when paired together. I guess the only thing I can add is perhaps to submit a diagnostic report and post the reference number here for the staff to take a look into the matter.

Hope that helps for now.