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I am looking to take my Sonos to a hotel venue for our anniversary. I only have a Play 1 and 5. Is it possible to do this and connect at the hotel?

Not easily, and practically impossible if the hotel WiFi has a sign-in associated with it.

That being said, if you were pushing the music through the analog in on the PLAY:5 ( which has to be turned on to Autoplay before leaving home) it should connect to the PLAY:1. But don’t think you’re going to be able to hook up a microphone for any announcements. There are a lot of threads about using a Sonos as a wedding or event PA, and the general consensus is “DON’T”. It’s absolutely not designed for this kind of use, and it’s much wiser to rent something purpose designed.
Thank you for that. We are in a private room with 20 people. There is a password for the hotel network.
Well, the only thing I can suggest is testing at home before you go. Unplug the power to your router to get a real test.
You also need to check your rental agreement with the hotel. Many hotels restrict sound systems to the ones they provide (for an extra fee).