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system bricked after updating new app

6 x sonos speakers and 1 x connect all completely bricked due to updating the new app. What a complete waste of money.  And looking on this site not one comment from Sonos themselves just endless customers reporting bricked systems.  I’m bored of turning them off and back on again. In the app they now all show up but zero audio from any speaker. And to think last month I was concerned I couldn’t alter the EQ on some of them. What a complete embarrassment for what I once thought was a brilliant forward thinking company. 


The term “bricked” is so wrongly used to describe the issues users are having. Seems it has become the new “mesh”.

Your speakers are not bricked. They still work. There are many fixes to get back most of the functionality, you just need to look. 

If you want assistance from the community, describe your system:

Is your system wired, wireless or a combination?

Is your network ISP router,  mesh, or something else?

Are you using and Apple or Android device?






thanks for you reply. 
The reason I called them ‘bricked’ is because they are! 
I work in the audio industry and understand what the term  means.  There is no option to roll back the firmware and even the old app just links me to the new one. 

My system is a mixture of wired and unwired and apart from the odd things missing on the system over the last eight years which needed a reboot, everything has worked fine until now. 

its literally crazy that they have pushed us to update to an app that clearly is still in Beta. 





I'm also an audio veteran. Spent years in recording studios and live venues with an 11 piece band. I have used Sonos since the ZonePlayer days and always had a speaker/device hardwired. My network now is a full Unifi network configured for the Sonos ecosystem.

Here is what I have done with my system:

Arc hardwired with WIFI on and the Sub and surrounds wireless connected to it.

Five, Play1, Connect S15 and Amp all hardwired.

Music services: Pandora, SiriusXM, Amazon Music and my local library on a synology NAS all controlled from the mobile app. I am using the Mac app to configure my music library, but the changes show up in the app after a restart.

Have you tried resetting the app and reconnecting to your system?

If you use the Desktop app you will find all your devices are working fine, nothing resembling
“bricked”. The mobile app is garbage, that’s all.


Im using the mobile apple app which I always have.  
Let’s face it that’s what most people do with Sonos

If I just wanted to use my Mac or PC I would still be using cooper cables to a ‘real’ amp and speakers. 

If you still think I don’t know what I’m doing google Midas HD96 as thats what I demo, use and sell in the UK, so if I can work a 144 input and 96 output digital desk, you would expect I could get some powered speakers to work (that have over 8 years) until now  








Im using the mobile apple app which I always have.  
Let’s face it that’s what most people do with Sonos

If I just wanted to use my Mac or PC I would still be using cooper cables to a ‘real’ amp and speakers. 

If you still think I don’t know what I’m doing google Midas HD96 as thats what I demo, use and sell in the UK, so if I can work a 144 input and 96 output digital desk, you would expect I could get some powered speakers to work (that have over 8 years) until now  







So you’ve been offered assistance from the community here who can help you.  But you seem more interested in trying persuade people here that your devices are ‘bricked’ (and no, they’re not) then obtaining help in getting them working again.  
The new app isn’t great but it works for many people (me included) and there is every chance you could get it working too, if you were more receptive to the help on offer.


Wow so you say the app isn’t great ..but let’s go back to 1989. I have over £1500 worth of Sonos that worked (usually) for nearly ten years until the company forced me update their app that was fine before the update. And for some reason it’s my fault lol. 
I’m not getting paid to beta test their software. 


This has not been my experience. My system is working — with some aggravations.

You could sell your “bricks” as “parts only”. Personally I would have trouble selling “bricks” as if they were working units. Anyway, the purchasers of your cheap “bricks” will be thrilled when they find that the units are fully functional.

I have some snake oil you can buy as well. 

Could be handy for snakes while sunning. What's its SPF?

Hi Buzz 

Do you work for Sonos? 
if not why are you happy saying your system works with some aggravations?  

it’s a consumer product, that did work and now doesn’t because of what the brand has done to it.  

If you think that’s ok, then good for you. 

But have a look at all comments on here (search app for details).


Every loyal customer is complaining and most say they are moving on, me included  


its beyond embarrassing. 





No I don’t work for SONOS and I’m not some sort of influencer. Forums such as this are as close as I get to social media. SONOS employees are clearly indicated.

I’m here to help. Currently, there are obvious reported issues, but bricking every system is not one of them.

Earlier today I helped a person heal a system that was being rather erratic, at times you might consider it as being “bricked”. This was a phone consult having nothing to do with this Community, but I certainly used skills learned here with respect to the best approach to solving the issue. Bottom line was that the network installer had duplicated the WiFi SSID and password when installing an upgrade (essentially a second system). The result was that SONOS and the controllers might each be using the “other” WiFi, not the WiFi being used by the controller phone/pad. The WiFi used by the controllers and SONOS was arbitrary after a reboot or update. At times one controller could operate all or part of the SONOS system, then something would flip to the other WiFi, sometimes causing the SONOS system to disappear, and thoroughly frustrate the humans.

Finally, I had them check for duplicate WiFI (by powering down one WiF) — surprise!! They were at the end of their patience and I simply had them change the SSID on the original WiFi and everything came online in a few minutes. Note that this is not the best long term solution, but it will work just fine till their patience returns and we can configure a more robust network.

I am in the exact same boat as the OP and definitely used the term bricked in my scathing note to the CEO (as if he cares). 

Ever since Sony launched the ill-fated new app, my Sonos is no longer usable. I have been a customer from the start. I have over 24 Sonos speakers/new amps. I updated most of them to the latest iteration to use the previous new app a couple of years ago. I have 12 speakers in the backyard alone.

Everything worked amazingly until the latest app “update.”

Now nothing works in a usable manner (whether trying to play one speaker or a group, the same garbage occurs).

I am so furious at Sonos. Speakers come in and come out. Trying to change volume is a joke. Lag of 10-15 sends. I move it down. The ghosts in response randomly move it up and down on its own. The system plays partial songs and then skips to the next. Or it stops working entirely. I spent 45 minutes during a backyard party last night just trying to play music (with guests marvelling at what junk Sonos is) and finally gave up and pulled out a Marshall bluetooth speaker. Which worked so I had some music at least.

Whatever Sonos has done needs to be fixed now. I've invested tens of thousands of dollars in Sonos like many of you have and it is literally not usable, so a bricked system.

It is the same BS whether I use the Sonos app directly or try to play through Sonos via Spotify. So whatever Sonos did it all started with this horrific app update. 

I can't hear people saying:

Everything is ok, just use the desktop app.

Nothing is ok.

And nothing is working anymore.


I have 2 systems in 2 different countries. Both used to work well. When I was in house 2 in May nothing worked and I spent best part of 2 days on chats with Sonos. I tried everything they suggested and after 2 days the system was unplugged, removed and replaced with a 10 year old Bluetooth speaker. When I returned to house 1 in July miraculously house 1 system worked. The only difference in systems was that house 1 has a sonos 1 as part of the system (incl several play:1s and a play:5) whereas house 2 has just play:1s and a play:3. I will now wait to go back to house 2 in September to see if the app has updated again and the system now works or it only works because a sonos one is needed to drive the system. Weird or what?

Update:  I did download the windows app from the Sonos web site, which did see the system and told me to ‘update’ the firmware… which I did and it didn’t take long at all. So I thought cool that will work only to find the windows version isn’t compatible any more so there was nothing I could do lol.  I’ve now used the ‘web’ version which works and has actually been playing playlists from my Apple Music. So yes the speakers are now not ‘bricked’ and the system works. But only because I’m using a £1000 PC.  So till the iPhone app works without going totally tits up every second, I’m the only in the house to pick the songs. Maybe that’s a good thing 😜


looking forward to tomorrow… fingers crossed. 

Yeah Ive got a PC of that value too. The web app saw the system but still didn’t work. I wait to see if the house 2 system works before I junk the sonos in both locations for something that actually delivers 

I can't hear people saying:

just use the desktop app.


I say this often actually, because it is the best solution to most of the issues in the updated mobile app. If you read my technical article on Linked In you will see why I believe this to be.

Update:  I did download the windows app from the Sonos web site, which did see the system and told me to ‘update’ the firmware… which I did and it didn’t take long at all. So I thought cool that will work only to find the windows version isn’t compatible any more so there was nothing I could do lol. 

Did you download the wrong version of the Windows app? You need the S2 version from here

I did all of the above with Sonos support on the phone. After 2 days of trying, their conclusion was that I’d have to buy newer products because the new software didn’t support mine and I can’t have 2 systems operated by one device. However, the house 1 system worked on my return of which the only difference is that it includes a Sonos one whereas the other system is play1 and play3 based. Laptop sees all the products but that’s all it does. 

I support a client’s Sonos system and I am at my whit’s end on this.  Support has been terrible with this.  


Approx 20 Speakers at this site after update approx 2/3s of the speakers came back online and are working properly, however I have an Arc and several Play 1’s that have not.  

I have reset several times and they will not adopt.   I have attempted to reset and adopt plugged into the network which failed as well. 


Support states that it must be something wrong with the network, I verified network was fine.   I was then told it was due to starlink (equipment bridged)

So I took two Play 1 speakers to my office, reset and attempted to adopt without success via wireless or ethernet.

So to me they feel bricked - any help would be appreciated.   I hate to tell my client that they will need to replace all of these speakers.   

I am about to purchase a Play 1 and see if it will adopt out of the box

I just purchased era 100 adopted without issue and performing as it should.


in my mind my speakers that won’t adopt are bricked……


I’ve been waiting more than an hour for support to call me back……..

Bricked is a pretty specific term, meaning unrecoverable error.

Most Sonos are suffering from recoverable errors. Not good of course but not bricked.

Bricked is a pretty specific term, meaning unrecoverable error.

Most Sonos are suffering from recoverable errors. Not good of course but not bricked.

It is unfortunate that more young people are not curious enough to want to know how things work. They simply expect things to work for them. 
Then we have those who “adopt” a word or phrase that spreads.. like “mesh” and now “bricked” with no clue as to what it really means.


Bricked is a pretty specific term, meaning unrecoverable error.

Most Sonos are suffering from recoverable errors. Not good of course but not bricked.

It is unfortunate that more young people are not curious enough to want to know how things work. They simply expect things to work for them. 
Then we have those who “adopt” a word or phrase that spreads.. like “mesh” and now “bricked” with no clue as to what it really means.


It’s not an age thing. For some people things are just tools/devices to do a job, this has been true of technology and computing products as they went from being specialised devices needing specific knowledge to mainstream tools. Even growing up during the ZX81 onwards home computer and games machines explosion, most of my friends and adults had zero interest in how they worked.

Early mainstream affordable mobile phones made phone calls, could send/receive text and mms message. How many people who used them do you think cared or were interested how they worked?

Now they are so common place, they’re just a tool that is expected to work. The majority have no interest in how or why they work regardless of age.

Language always changes over time 🤷
