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Hello folks!

I just ordered an arc + sub to replace my play base. I live in a 1200 sf apartment on the corner of the building and my living room is to the outside so there are 3 walls between my living room and my neighbor next to me (bedroom wall, 2 closet walls, and bathroom wall)


I don’t think the sound from the sub will travel through all that at reasonable volumes but I am worried about disturbing my downstairs neighbor. Would an isolation pad under the sub help? Or would that not really do anything because of the force cancelling drivers in the gen 3 sub?


Any apartment dwellers with the sub have any insight?  

My Subs don’t seem to bother the floor much, easy to test though. Try out your Sub and ask the downstairs folks how it sounds, pick it up and put a blanket folded over several times under it and ask them about the sound again.

If the neighbor isn’t friendly (and you have strong arms) you can do the same test while holding the Sub firmly against an inside wall and having a buddy listen on the other side of the wall. Likely a bedroom or something where you could put a couple closed doors between the sub and your listener to cut down on non-wall transmitted sound.

If you are seeing an issue, and the blanket helps Amazon has several well rated Sub pads for reasonable prices. They also have some very overpriced stuff.