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Hi guys ,

My Sonos sub seems to

Have lost a bit of its potency .. I’ve noticed this lately and I’m wondering if anyone has experienced this same issues ? I’ve made the right adjustments via the controller and on my TV set but to no avail . It seems weaker in regards to the bass .
Hi Tezza007

Have you used TruePlay assuming you have an iOS device...if not I'd borrow one. Also, the last update included a new feature called "volume limiter" make sure it isn't active for the room. TruePlay should cure most audio woes but you can override them if you like. You can turn loudness on/off and/or increase the level. I'm not sure what adjustments you could have made on your TV as bass/mid/treble controls typically have no effect on sound over optical.

You might try removing the sub and re-bonding it (run TruePlay again if possible). Check to see that the cones inside the sub have not come loose from the rubber diaphragm or are cracked.

If you think you've covered all the bases (and there is no visible damage to the cones) then I suggest you submit a diagnostic and post the reference ID in this forum. Then call Sonos so they work with you in real time. I hope this helps.

Yes I’ve noticed the same. I have had to increase the sub level above midpoint (whereas before it was at default midpoint and it sounded fine).

With the sub level set at midpoint, if I turn the sub off then the bass (now just being played through the playbar and 2x play 1s) sounds LOUDER but less deep/rich.
That's odd. When I went to 9.2, it seemed like the bass response went up. I re-ran a TruePlay on both rooms that I have a SUB in, but without any pre and post sound analysis, it's hard to rely on just my ears to tell if there's a real difference.
Try toggling sub on/off while listening to a bass-heavy piece of music - that’s how I can tell there’s a difference
Seems ok now. I think I may have imagined it. ?