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I have a Sonos Roam which is want to use as both a portable speaker but also as an integrated room music device. I have the wireless charger too.

The roam turns itself off after a certain time, which means it will not react to voice commands. When I am using it as a room music device I want the speaker to stay on, and even when on the wireless charging stand still turns off. 

Is this normal?

I didn’t have this problem before using the Sonos wireless base.  

No, the Roam should not be powering off when on it’s charger - is it the official Sonos charger power adapter? If not, then perhaps make sure that the chargers PD power output is at least 5v x  2amps (10 watts) and perhaps not (in-use) shared output, if it has more than one USB port.

Otherwise see what the battery status is showing in the App or by opening a web browser and navigating to http://tRoam-IP-Address]:1400/status/batterystatus.

NB: The device IP address can be seen by going to ‘Settings/System/About My System’ in the Sonos App.

Note too a Qi wireless charger may take around 5 or 6 hours to charge the Roam fully as that only uses ~5w power output, whereas charging direct via USB-C is much faster/more efficient:  2½ hours by comparison.

Yes, it is the official Sonos Roam charger. And it keeps powering off. 

It stays on with the hard line charger. But not the wireless. 

Yes, it is the official Sonos Roam charger. And it keeps powering off. 

It stays on with the hard line charger. But not the wireless. 

It initially sounds like it may not be working correctly - I’m assuming that the speaker is just sat there on it’s Qi charger and it powers off by itself?  

First just ensure you have the Qi charger base the correct way up with the text showing on the underside of the device and not on the top face. If all seems to be okay there, then try this power reset…

Whilst off it’s charger, with sufficient charge in the battery, say 50%, press the rear power button for 20+ seconds or so. The Roam will power off, but still continue to hold down the button until you see it’s top front status LED light-up and now let go the power button and let the device start up and connect to the network. Now place the Roam on its charger and charge it to 100% and see if that may resolve the issue.

Note: you should be able to see if the charger is charging the device, at any stage, via the URL posted in my earlier post and if it isn’t, then perhaps submit a diagnostic report whilst on it’s charger and chat/contact Sonos Support via this LINK to see if the charger, or the Roam, is possibly faulty.


I am having somewhat of the same issue. My Roam sits on the Sonos Roam charger. When working fine, the app says that the battery is at 100%..however, in the last 6 months, it has been randomly powering off/or dying. I am not able to turn it back on. This is while it is on the charger. Like now, it has been 6 days since it last did this and is still not responding. My app does not detect it and it won’t turn on. Last time it happened, it took 2 weeks and it just randomly started working again. 

At this point, I have no idea when this will happen or why it’s happening. Again, I am using the Sonos charger purchased from Sonos and this is happening while on the charger.

Can someone help?

Press and hold the power button for at least 30 seconds. Eventually the power LED should turn red, then you’ll see the white LED start to flash as the unit boots and you can release the button. This action should reset the power management controller. 

@ratty Yeah, that doesn’t work. It is like it’s totally dead. I’ve plugged into both chargers and allowed hours for it to charge (if that’s the problem) and nothing happens. Remember it was initially on a charger.. 

But no, the hold in hopes it reboots or turns on does not work.

I should have mentioned that the unit must be off charge before undertaking the above procedure. 


lol, I understood.. I just gave the additional info in case those were also options to fix.. that I’ve already done..