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Is it possible to play audio from movies and online TV/movie streaming (e.g. from my PC or laptop) through Sonos Play 1 speakers. It seems like Sonos Play 1 are only really good for music files. Any solution to this, ideally a free one?
Not easily. Sonos produce and PlayBar and Playbase for Audio Visual media. The Sonos speakers are designed as multi room music system rather than plug in PC speakers. There are solutions but they would involve buying a play 5 or Connect and could introduce lip sync issues anyway.
Any one else with good advice/insights?
Ouch! Buy a Sonos connect then you can play to any of your Sonos speakers. There is no free alternative as the Play 1's do not have a line in.

I don't think there are many other people answering as there is not a lot more to say, this topic comes up quite a bit you see.