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I have 2 Play 1's in pair as my 'living room', 1 Sonos One as 'bedroom sonos', and 1 Sonos One as 'bathroom sonos'. Right now i am noticing that when i physically touch the button to lower the volume of one group speaker it only turns down that groups volume when i am playing the same music on all 3 groups. Before i got my Sonos One's i had my 2 Play 1's setup as 2 groups: 'living room' and 'bathroom'. I feel i can distinctly remember that when i played the same song on both the physical volume would turn down the music together.

Am i wrong? Has this been the way it works all along and i am wrong? Do you have to use the app exclusively to turn down the volume on all the groups by the same amount?
This is the way it has always been.
The hardware volume control button simply adjusts the Sonos Room volume that the speaker is located in... so if it’s 'stereo paired' with another identical speaker, both speakers in that same Sonos Room will both adjust their volume accordingly.

The volume adjustment using the hardware buttons however does NOT operate across Sonos Rooms, even if a speaker is 'grouped' (not paired) together with the room/speaker you are adjusting... you will therefore have to adjust the volume in each/all of the Sonos Rooms.

But you can adjust the volume of ALL the speakers contained in a group from within the Sonos App using the 'group volume' slider bar.
I will also add if you group two or more rooms together, for example, 'Lounge' and 'Kitchen' and then go onto ask Alexa to increase the volume in the Lounge... it works in exactly the same way as the hardware buttons on a speaker, the Alexa voice command will only adjust the volume of the Lounge speakers only and not the Kitchen speakers.

So if you want the volume to increase in both rooms, you have to ask Alexa to do this for each room in the group... the fact the two rooms are grouped together is not relevant to Alexa.

I would like to see an Alexa voice command that caters for adjusting a grouped set of rooms, to coincide with the added functionality that is available in the Sonos App, maybe something like this perhaps:

'Alexa, set the grouped-volume in the lounge to 50%' ... the 'grouped volume' part would then mean all speakers in the same group that Lounge was contained in, would then all adjust their volume together to 50%.

A bit of wishful thinking on my part.