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Three months is all it took for Sonos Move to stop working. 3 MONTHS for a $450 speaker. Well they Sonos team replaced it with a refurbished speaker. Good job, Sonos team!

My question to community is - Do you feel comfortable paying $450 for a brand new speaker from SONOS website and within 3 months getting your product replaced by a refurbished one. Are you okay with this customer service. I am not, and would appreciate your feedback.

What solution would you prefer? To be without a speaker until yours is repaired? Electronic products do fail from time to time. Usually, if they last six months they’ll keep going for many more years. 

I’ve never had an issue with Sonos’ customer service, but I’ve only needed to deal with them on a couple of occasions. In both transactions, they were efficient, and pleasant.

As @nik9669a suggests, electronics can fail, and certainly Sonos can, by their very nature of being a computer built in to a speaker. Certainly more potential for failure there than a normal speaker, which has none of the computer components in it. 

I’m of the opinion that there’s often more QA associated with a refurbished product than one that comes straight off the line, so I’ve always been rather good with refurbished stuff. It comes with the same warranty as ‘new’ , and has been tested a bunch more. 

@nik9669a I see your point. If you are saying that meanwhile your speaker gets repaired, well there is no repair. They replaced it with a refurb. Had it been 6 months I would have been less emotional about this. The fact that it lasted only for three months killed me.

What warranty comes with this “ used speaker” they sent you as a replacement? 

@Airgetlam interesting point of view, I must say. I don't mind refurb at all, mate. I have quiet a few refurb appliances around. There is 100 day return policy I thought?

Keen to know what you metric is of such tolerance, how soon should an appliance fail to make you feel the pinch?

Also, I was digging this issue and found quite a few people having the same annoyance. 

I wouldn’t be all that concerned by this either, as long as the refurbished device looks/works ‘as good as new’. It’s reassuring that the replacement has the same manufacturers warranty, but I personally tend to ‘spend & extend’ warranties on expensive electrical goods anyway to keep them covered for up-to 5 years (less on smaller/cheaper items) and then after that, I’m not too bothered what happens as, in my book, it’s often time to then replace the goods anyway for a newer model.

I think you’re conflating the “return for refund” policy with the warranty policy. The first is, I think (and I haven’t checked recently, and is likely different based on what region you’re in, which I’m assuming by the use of the term “mate” is not likely to be the US, where I am) indeed 100 days. But for repair/warranty, it’s much longer than that. Again, based on where you are and local laws. 

Check the FAQ here, it may help. 

In an ideal world, nothing should fail. I get being upset/concerned, for sure. I’m not sure, however, that a single experience can be extrapolated to the larger population. Just not enough data. And you’re not doing that, as near as I can tell, either, just to be clear :)

Oddly, we just don’t live in an ideal world, and entropy is always a factor. It can be disturbing at times.