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Sonos 5 Replacement in the pipeline?

  • 18 September 2022
  • 14 replies

I am looking to replace my 15 year old Sonos Pay 5s n the near future and take advantage of the upgrade scheme.  I have read in the rumour mills that Sonos are going to replace these with mult directional sound speakers.   Is there any truth in this and if so what is the approximate time scales?

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14 replies

Only  Sonos knows and they won't be saying. They never comment on such matters. It sounds like a pretty implausible rumour to me, at least as far as music listening is concerned. 

If there is any change I might expect it would be the addition of a microphone, in particular for Sonos Voice Control.

But I am only guessing. 

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This is one of a few doing the rounds

I’m still wondering where the Sonos headphones are that were also rumoured way-back in 2021🤔? Sonos definitely play their cards close to their chest.

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I would imagine those rumoured speakers are still a while away and would probably be more expensive than the current Fives. I have 2 Fives and think they are amazing, and would not be interested in replacing them even if Sonos bring out a multi directional speaker (I don’t think for music, that having various directions of sound is so important)

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In my case,  I have original 5s that will not work on Sonos 2 and am looking to upgrade all of my Sonos speakers so I would rather wait and have the later models.

There’s been at least two upgrades to the original PLAY:5. The Gen 2, which I have, and the Five (which may have two generations, too). I wouldn’t expect a ‘new’ version anytime soon, especially given the leak about the new line, which I’m pegging to replace the Sonos Five in a couple of years, when they finish developing it.

Hi @David16DA 

If there’s one thing (and there are more) I can say about Sonos products is that they hold their value. I sold my 3 year old Gen 2 Play 5’s (two) for 60% of their original retail value and purchased my Five’s. Granted the upgrade to the Five’s was more of a speed bump then radical redesign which probably made potential buyers not feel they were being left in the dust.

Here’s another fact…My first Play 5’s were Gen1. Two weeks later the Play 5 Gen 2 was released. The store I purchased the Gen 1 Play 5’s had a 30 day return policy providing they were returned in pristine condition and original packaging suitable for retail display. That’s how I got my Gen 2 Play 5. OK…that was perfect timing. My point being is that the “music gods” sometimes smile upon you.

Bottom-line…don’t deprive yourself of a great listening experience predicated upon speculation and rumor. Based upon how long you’ve had your Play 5 Gen 2’s I’d venture to say that new product announcements are not high on your “bucket list”. 😂

Note: I said the move from Play 5 Gen2 to Five was more of a speed bump. I purposely upgrade at a product release within a product line to achieve a decent ROI and still have the latest products.  No offense…but selling a 15 year old product would not net the ROI I’d want to achieve. I try to stay ahead of the game when dealing with electronics such as Sonos speakers. Mainly because I don’t expect a Sonos speaker to have the same life span as its analog counterparts. Put simply …Sonos IMO is a micro-chip technology that rely upon other factors such as memory and processing power to remain relevant for an unspecified time. IMO it’s not if they will fail…but when.



The next big thing is always just around the corner. If you’ve been waiting for WiFi-6 (introduced in 2019) that has been slow to roll out, (and has been updated in 2021) you might as well wait another three or four years because WiFi-7 is already under discussion and we’ll likely see first releases in a year or so.

At some point you need to jump-in or perpetually stay well behind. Whatever you purchase now will soon seem obsolete.

I would imagine those rumoured speakers are still a while away and would probably be more expensive than the current Fives. I have 2 Fives and think they are amazing, and would not be interested in replacing them even if Sonos bring out a multi directional speaker (I don’t think for music, that having various directions of sound is so important)


I would be surprised if these rumored speakers are available a year from now.  I would think 2 years.  This really looks like fairly early development for a product.  Besides that, they are built for atmos music, which doesn’t have a ton of content available right now.  If they can be used in front speakers for home theatre, then they would be more useful, but still little reason to think it’s coming soon.

So I probably would use upgrade discounts on Fives right now.  Sine you have a pair of play:5 G1s, that should give you 2 30% discounts.  You can use 1 now to have a 2 pair set, and save the other one for later. 

Userlevel 7
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Look at all the options for buying a set with your discount.

Keep in mind just because you bought them as a set you don’t have to use them as one. Look at how much of what you want you can get as a discounted bundle.

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Thank you to everyone who has provided a response.  

Please can anyone tell me, that apart from the ability to use the S2 app, is there a noticeable difference in sound between Gen1 and Gen2  Play 5s?

I am quite a big fan of the CR200 dedicated remote control as cannot be bothered to pick up my phone or ipad, put the pin code in the open the app.  As a compromise I would like to see Sonos make a widget available which can be used on ios 16 as as a way of a short cut.  Does anyone know if the CR200 can be used with a bridge or a boost?

Thank you to everyone who has provided a response.  

Please can anyone tell me, that apart from the ability to use the S2 app, is there a noticeable difference in sound between Gen1 and Gen2  Play 5s?

I am quite a big fan of the CR200 dedicated remote control as cannot be bothered to pick up my phone or ipad, put the pin code in the open the app.  As a compromise I would like to see Sonos make a widget available which can be used on ios 16 as as a way of a short cut.  Does anyone know if the CR200 can be used with a bridge or a boost?

The Play:5 (gen2) is a much better sounding speaker than the gen1 IMHO. It is richer and warmer in its audio output and the bass output is far better. The CR200 and Bridge cannot be used with the S2 software and the CR200 was obsoleted from S1 aswell some years ago now, having last been manufactured in 2012.

Deleted. Something strange happened and erased my comment during typing on my phone. Don’t have the inclination to redo it. Thanks @Ken_Griffiths for the “like” on what you were able to read.

Userlevel 2
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Hi Ken,


i was able to see your reply.


Thank you.