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Hi all had the Roam very pleased however I can get it to transfer the music it is playing to the nearest speaker I have two beams but are  connected to play 1 which are not supported is that my problem.

Also I have a iPod classic 1tb which I was hoping I could use a Bluetooth transmitter to Roam but the ones I have are older and will not link is there a version Bluetooth transmitter needed the highest I've seen is  3.1 or is the fact with a phone you have a visible named connection to link with, I'd love to try the more expensive Bluetooth transmitter for iPod but at £80 reluctant to spend that much as it's only the Roam I want it to really work with cheers Phil.

Hi @Lardybarstow,


You should be able to use Sound Swap with a Beam to send music to it, but you’re not able to pull TV audio from the Beam to the Roam. We’ve got an article on Sound Swap that you can read here to learn more about how to trigger it as well as any limitations.


As for your iPod question, I’m really not sure what your question/issue is. Are you able to rephrase your question at all? If you’re asking what version of Bluetooth Roam can connect with - Roam uses Bluetooth 5.0, but the beauty of Bluetooth is that it’s backwards compatible, so even if your iPod is using version 3.1 you should be able to connect. Please note that we’re not guaranteed to work with every Bluetooth device as some devices have specific requirements on the types of devices they can connect to. 

Hi James thank you for your reply, I must explore the Roam to Beam handover then as I must be doing something wrong for the Roam Bluetooth thank you for letting me know it is backwards compatible that gives me something to look for very much obliged 






I went back and tried the Bluetooth transmitter I had previously tried and after about 10 seconds it connected ...brilliant it know means I have 1 tb on my trusty iPod that sounds just great on the Roam I'm going to run it for the day to see how both compare battery wise...I can link to other Sonos set ups in other rooms however there is a drop out in signal about every five seconds across the system which I put down to the Bluetooth transmitter which is no Biggie as I use a dedicated Arcam iPod dock and Port in house.

I still am unable to pass off what is playing on the Roam to either of my Beam so il keep playing and trying until I work out what I am doing wrong...but delighted with the Roam and being able to link iPod over Bluetooth out and about.

I went back and tried the Bluetooth transmitter I had previously tried and after about 10 seconds it connected ...brilliant it know means I have 1 tb on my trusty iPod that sounds just great on the Roam I'm going to run it for the day to see how both compare battery wise...I can link to other Sonos set ups in other rooms however there is a drop out in signal about every five seconds across the system which I put down to the Bluetooth transmitter which is no Biggie as I use a dedicated Arcam iPod dock and Port in house.

Great! Glad to hear that it’s working without having to buy anything new :slight_smile:


I still am unable to pass off what is playing on the Roam to either of my Beam so il keep playing and trying until I work out what I am doing wrong...but delighted with the Roam and being able to link iPod over Bluetooth out and about.

There are a few limitations as to what kind of content you can pull/push with Sound Swap. We detail them in our Sound Swap article, but I’ll also list them here:



Additional details

  • TV, AirPlay, and Bluetooth audio cannot be swapped.
  • Roam’s microphone LED will light up when swapping audio as it’s used to detect nearby products.
  • Audio cannot be swapped with Play:1, Play:3, Play:5 (Gen 1), Port, Connect, or Connect:Amp. You can swap audio with Amp if it’s connected to Sonos Architectural speakers.