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Playbase and projectors

I have a projector (Sony VPLHW45ES) and projector screen, but I also have a television. The projector screen comes down in front of the TV when I want a bigger experience (yes, I'm spoiled and I hate myself). Anyway, it would be nice to shove the Playbase under the TV for when I'm using the TV, which is what I do primarily. Does the Playbase work with projectors? Any reason that pairing wouldn't work? Do I have to use a Playbar with the projector?

I saw a post in another thread about how Netflix only supports DD+, which is too much for optical to handle. Not really sure what that means for me.
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17 replies

The Playbase would work with most devices that have an optical out that passes Dolby Digital. That being said, I'm not sure how easily you would be able to get an optical signal from a projector in the back of the room to the Playbase in the front of the room. I guess a super long optical cable might work, I don't know what the maximum length is on that.

Having just looked up that projector, I don't see any audio out ports, much less an optical port. I guess you could put an device in between that takes the HDMI and splits out the audio in to an optical output, but I'm still struggling to figure out the wiring length for both a TV and a projector, even with HDMI.
Actually, I already did this setup once before at my old place and plan to repeat it. Here's what I did before (basically what you said): I ran a long conduit pipe across the ceiling with room for the HDMI cable (extra-long plus an extension). The HDMI cable runs from the projector in the back of the room to the wall just above the projector screen, where it goes through a hole in the wall (just hidden by top of projector screen) and then comes down through the wall and pops out where the TV stand is. Then the HDMI plugs into a ViewHD Prosumer HDMI switch (with ARC), located inside the TV stand, which in turn plugs into the Apple TV right next to it, and which also runs optical to my Playbar.

I'm assuming I can do all of that again with the Playbase?

In other words, is there anything about the Playbase that is different from the Playbar other than form factor that would affect my setup?
No, nothing other than the form factor.
Awesome. Thank you!
Hi Guys, I have just bought the HW45 projector.

I want to stream netflix, iTunes and anything else on my 'iMac". My understanding is that if I buy a ViewHD Prosumer HDMI switch (with ARC), I can plug it into my iMac. But what adapter can convert to iMac port as I believe there is only a USBs port in my iMac.

Or would I have to buy an apple TV and share the screen through airport that way?

Finally, is there anyway to connect the sound to my iMac directly whilst running netflix or other programs on the iMac screen itself?

Your help is much appreciated and sorry for my ignorance in advance!
Sorry one additional question. Do i run the audio cable from the splitter straight into the playbar? And then the HDMI connects into the splitter from the projector? What cable do I use from the iMac to the splitter, another HDMI?
It's poor form to bug someone in a PM to respond to your thread. I'd have been in a better frame of mind and responded even if you hadn't done that. I'm going to have to reconsider turning off PMs.

Also, you've got a ton of different things going on in this "question"

First off, I'm not familiar enough with the iMac ports, especially as you've not defined which iMac you have, so I can't look it up. Have you googled an adapter, or are you depending on others to do that work?

If you can find something that would connect to your iMac and output a HDMI signal, that would go to the "splitter" you spoke of, and then you would connect an HDMI cable from the splitter to the projector, and an optical cable from the splitter to the PLAYBAR/PLAYBASE.

Life would be infinitely easier from my perspective if you were to stream through an Apple TV. The HDMI from that, connected to your HDMI switch (which hopefully has an optical output?) would feed anything to the Sonos.

As to your "play any sound on the iMac directly", there's a ton of threads on these boards about this. Generally speaking, most people who do this connect their headphone jack on the Mac to a PLAY:5 or a CONNECT, and deal with the delay that is involved with any analog input into the Sonos ecosystem. Which means it's not ideal for movies, YouTube, or games, but fine for music or anything that doesn't require lip sync.
Firstly let me say thank you for the detailed note and apologies for hounding you. It was late last night and I was stressed, but still this is no excuse.

I will take your advice and opt for an Apple TV (since it has both youtube and Netflix) option and just not use my Sonos with my iMAC.

So if I am correct I need to buy an Apple TV and ViewHD Prosumer HDMI switch (with ARC). I will then plug the HDMI cable end - to - end into this switch from the projector. Then run another HDMI from the switch to the Apple TV and a secondary audio cable into the splitter to the play base.

Does that sound right to you?
Yes, that sounds right. I tend to think in terms of the direction of travel, so HDMI from the Apple TV to the extractor box. Then HDMI from the extractor box to the TV, and optical cable from the extractor box to the PLAYBASE/PLAYBAR.

Then you need to go in to Audio settings on the Apple TV (and whatever you're sending to it from your Mac, as well) and make sure it's locked down to Dolby Digital. It's been a while since I've messed with those settings, so I don't remember exactly how it's done, but it's a "set once and forget" kind of thing, and I've forgotten 🙂
And, finally, I'd be considering a multi device remote so it would control everything in one shot. My personal preference is Logitech's Harmony Remote systems, but there's lots out there. Just make sure you get something that has enough capacity to control all the devices you want.

"(and whatever you're sending to it from your Mac, as well)"

Are you suggesting I can still run my iMac through the splitter if I figure out the right fireport to HDMI connector and that I can also wire that into the switch?

"(and whatever you're sending to it from your Mac, as well)"

In regards to multi-device remote. Is this really required if I am only using Apple TV for my projector? Guess not right, as I only have the need of a projector remote and an apple remote.... Or am I missing something?

Your advice is super super helpful...
As I recall, and it's not something I've ever done, you can screen share your Mac with the Apple TV.

Hmm, maybe I've done that in meetings before. Run PowerPoint on my Mac and cast it to an Apple TV. In any case, if you figure out how that works, just make sure that whatever you're sending over is in the Dolby Digital format, or Stereo.
Thanks - my understanding from when I have done that is that you can't make iMac audio come through the Songs. Audio will run from the iMac, which is really not that big a deal, since most my streaming needs can be done via Apple TV any how as it has Netflix and Youtube.
Yes, if you're able to find some dongle that works with your specific iMac that will generate an HDMI signal, sure, then that could be connected to the extractor box you're taking about.

No, a multi device remote is absolutely not necessary, unless you value the ends of your fingers and your sanity. It is, however, highly recommended. You're going to end up with a remote for the extractor box, the Apple TV, and the TV. It's going to get a tad annoying to figure out which remote you want to pick up.
HAHA - I see your point. I am just scared of the old Logitech devices, as they were a disaster years back when I last used them.

I can make the iMac work in that respect then as I can use the HDMI ->Friewire adapter :

Guessing there will still be a lag though...
I have something like that for my MacBook Pro and MacBook Airs, but was unaware that there was a port in the iMac that would fit that.

Not sure there'd be any lag, though. HDMI is HMDI, and that device is just changing form factor, not doing any "computing".
Yay so solution found. Awesome! Thank you very much.