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Dear All / Sonos support, I am trying to identify the RMS power ratings for a Play1, Play5 v1 and Playbar. Anyone having the information at hand, thanks for sharing. Cheers
No one other than Sonos knows, and they won't tell. It isn't relevant for integrated kit such as these units. It is relevant for Connect Amp to use it with appropriate speakers, and hence that is published in the spec - 55 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms, and doubling into 4.
RMS power ratings are useless for integrated speakers/amplifiers, which is why Sonos doesn't release them. You could have 1000 watts driving inefficient speakers with horrible distortion levels, and 20 watts driving very efficient speakers with very low distortion will sound better.
Thanks for your prompt responses. is there any way to get an idea about the power for those Sonos speakers? thanks
Thanks for your prompt responses. is there any way to get an idea about the power for those Sonos speakers? thanks

No, and you shouldn't worry about it, for the reasons detailed above. Stop caring about watts, they mean nothing without context and are just used by neophytes and unscrupulous salesmen.
You can buy an RMS capable watt-meter, disassemble the Sonos speakers (voiding your warranty) and measure the power flowing to each individual speaker while feeding the Sonos device a test tone. That is a bit less than useful though as you'll have no idea of your distortion levels without also using something to monitor that. Anyway, once you have your individual numbers you can add them up and see the total power available from the Sonos amplifier sections.

As was mentioned above the number you get will be fairly useless but if you feel you need it badly enough you can get it.

I'm curious though, what do you want the power numbers for?