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Hi I have a play 5 gen2 that is dead ”no light, no sound, nothing”

When I disassemled the speaker and took out the powerboard pcb it has 3 big resistors that was BURNED ”R2483, R2482, R2496”


And futher inspection I saw other components that was burned ”R12”, R106, R108, D3, U2, Mosfet transistor


So I started to investigate what these components does and what values it has, I searched in this forum, groups on facebook and other forums but only found the value of ”R2483, R2482, R2496,R108” And the mosfet transistor got text on it so I could identify it


The rest of components I took help of chatGPT to find values of, arter HOURS of talk with it and many datasheets 


-R2483, R2482, R2496 is 0,3 OHM | 0,5W | 1206 Format | Current sensing resistor

-Mosfet is a 65E6600 (Main switching mosfet)

-U2 is a NCP1937B1G | A controller IC to controll the gate of the mosfet with PWM trought pin 14

-R12 is calculated to 0,36 OHM | Current sensing resistor | 0,125W | 0402 Format

-R106 is calculated to be between 10-22 OHM | 0,125W | 0805 Format

-R108 is a 100 OHM | 0,125W | 0805 Format

-D3 is calculated to be a schottky diode that breda to handle atleast 14v becomes of the pin 14 output specs, to be safe choose a 40V | Recomended 1A Forward Current | Fast switching time | 0805 Format

To be CLEAR R12, R106, D3 is calculated ONLY! Also the power specs of resistors and diode is calculated 


The components I ordered was:

-NCP1937B1DR2G (U2 controller ic)

-IPA65R600E6 (Mosfet transistor)

-ERJ-2BQFR33X (R12 Resistor)

-ERJ-6ENF1000V (R108 Resistor)

-ERJ-14BQFR30U (R2483,R2482,R2496 Resistors)

-AC0805FR-0722RL (R106 Resistor)

-AC0805FR-0710RL (R106 Resistor)

-SD0805S040S0R5 (D3 Resistor)


The reason I ordered 2 different resistors to R106 is becouse R106 is sets the pulse time for mosfet transistor gate pin, if the R106 is to high it will be slower switching time = more heat in mosfet, and if its to low switching time will be faster = lower temp on mosfet but can damage the driver circuit and U2 controller




Therefore I will test 22 OHM first and watch with thermal camera to test the temperature of the components (If the speaker does even turn on 😅)


I’m happy if someone got input or correction to this


And the main goal with this post is to help others, because its hard to find  repair guides to this speaker


I take no responsibility for what you choose to do, nor for the values of these components, as they were calculated with the assistance of ChatGPT



The status of the repair is: Have ordered the components and waiting for them to come


From viewing the PC board photos I suggest that you also check for connections that have cracked or are soon ready to crack. Clean the board. Two pads (5, 16) on U2 and pads for R2496 seem to be missing.

From viewing the PC board photos I suggest that you also check for connections that have cracked or are soon ready to crack. Clean the board. Two pads (5, 16) on U2 and pads for R2496 seem to be missing.

Thx for the feedback and tips, regarding pin 5,16 it seems to be dummy-pad, they where brooken very easily and seems to go nowhere and both pins are for the primary control which seems to not be in use in this case, but I will investigaste that :) 

yupp pads on 2496 is missing but I think i could fix it just by filling up like this

You need to change your order Christoffer. R11 and R12 are 100 Ohm. R106 is 3R3, 3,3 Ohm. D3 has a marking 6 on it so it may be BBY56-03W, not sure here.

You need to change your order Christoffer. R11 and R12 are 100 Ohm. R106 is 3R3, 3,3 Ohm. D3 has a marking 6 on it so it may be BBY56-03W, not sure here.

Thank you Kk2 this is priceless information 🙂 Sadly the order is already on it’s way but I do a new one, and R108 is 100 ohm right? Cuz what i can see R108 is market 01A, got a little damage on that text

Do you have a picture of the board you refer to?

R108 is correct

Okej so I got some correction of the values


-R2483,R2482,R2496 is still ”R300” 0,3 ohm (1210 Profile) Min. 0,5W


-R108 is still ”01A” 100 ohm (0805 Profile)

-R106 is ”3R3” 3,3 ohm (0805 Profile)

-R12 is 100 ohm (0402 Profile)

-R11 is 10 Kohm (0402 Profile)

-D3 is unknown (I go with SD0805S040S0R5)

-Mosfet is still ”65E6600”

-U2 controller IC is still ”NCP1937B1G” (Seems like pin 5 & 16 and maybe 15 is dummy-pin ”not sure but it seems like that”)


Thx to the user Kk2 who provided unknown values for R106 and R12 and tips for D3

I can confirm that the speaker is now working again! 🙂
The main issue was probably that the mosfet went to hot and was shorted and resulted in 330V DC right into the driver circuit and a clean short to ground through R2483,R2482,R2496

Next step is to monitoring the components with a thermal camera to see that everything is OK when playing the speaker elements
