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I noticed that the Play: 3 is no longer available in the sonos shop and in several shops I heard that they had to send their stock back to Sonos. What does this mean for people that still have a Play: 3? I didn't see any communication from Sonos about this.


No impact on current owners, they stopped selling my ZonePlayer 80 many, many years ago and it is still working fine. I expect no difference with the Play 3 support. I have 2 and I'm not worried.

Now if you need an additional Play 3 to make a stereo pair or replace a failed Player it may be an issue. For the failed Player I'd contact Sonos and see if they have a couple spares tucked away somewhere. For needing another ebay and the like have a nice selection of lightly used ones that should serve.
Not surprising, since the Play 3 is the Sonos speaker that has gone the longest without a refresh or upgrade, I assume it will either be replaced with a new product that fits between the 1 and the 5, or maybe Sonos feels they don't even need an entry in that mid-size space. However, the pricing gap between the $150 Play 1 and the $500 Play 5 is a big gap!