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Recently I bought two Play1's from best buy and i received in two different color boxes. I noticed one box has Title Sonos Play:1 and in black color and other box is just Play:1 and in red color . Speaker pictures are also different on each box. On one box it says Wireless hifi system and other box does't have that caption.

Do you guys think that I received fake products. This is first time I am using Sonos product

Thanks and Regards
I'd suggest you take a picture and attach them to a message. The contents of the box a Sonos product comes in is quite distinctive, as will the product itself.
If they work and pair together in stereo mode, they are genuine - I have never heard of a fake Sonos product that can do that. I also doubt that best buy will sell fake products of any kind, but am less certain of that part; very doubtful though.
Thanks for helping out here guys. Recently, we changed the packaging of our product range. While this might result in some design changes on the box, neither the device design nor the product specs changed. Here is how it should look like for you:

I just got one in a white box... is that new??
I just got one in a white box... is that new??

Yes, the newer boxes are white. Just changing up the design of the box, same speaker inside.