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As per title, can you have a Sonos One and Play:1 paired for stereo sound, or do you need two Sonos One's?
Excellent question that I'm curious about too!
As per title, can you have a Sonos One and Play:1 paired for stereo sound, or do you need two Sonos One's?

You will need two Sonos Ones. At this time, the Sonos One won't pair as stereo or as part of a surround setup with a PLAY:1.
Unsurprising, to be honest. I’d assume a sonic mismatch along the same lines of a PLAY:5 gen 1 and gen 2.

Thank the gods they chose a different name this time 😉
Bummer. I'd be in for 1 if it could replace 1/2 of my stereo pair on my main level. Can't justify replacing both just to add the assistant features.
Pick up a Dot from Amazon, I think they're $50, and then you can control your whole Sonos system.
The response says : "At the moment" so is this something that could be added in the roadmap assuming end result is acceptable? I can tell you this I have been waiting to pull the trigger to redo my entire home. So splitting my pair Play 1s and adding a pair Alexa 1s would be fantastic. Especially if it can then drive a sub and playbar ... My wife and kids love Alexa but Amazon HW is not top of the line like Sonos is ... Very smart move! So back to roadmap item, if you can commit I will start ordering lots of stuff ... you want a company that is taking care of its "old" customers as well as new...
Wow lucky I read this thread as my son was going to get me a Sonos One to replace one of my (paired) Play 1's so I could get voice control. I have a playbar, sub & two (rear) paired play 1's in my lounge room, so adding voice control would be great.

Sonos, please provide a voice control solution for existing Sonos systems asap. You have a big user base out there that want to leverage their existing systems

Sonos, please provide a voice control solution for existing Sonos systems asap.

There is one already - it is called Dot and it costs a lot less than a new speaker.
Well, not just the Dot, but any Amazon Alexa enabled device, there is a handful of them. The Dot is, I think, the lowest priced ine, though.
Since I own 7 Sonos speakers, I would love to pair the Play 1 and Play One!
I feel this is poor decision for Sonos. A lot of people out there (myself included) have multiple Sonos Play 1s and don't have the fund or even want to change out all their speakers for one speaker. I was excited when I found out that Sonos was coming out with the Sonos One but am now very disappointed and will not be purchasing another Sonos speaker until this is fixed. This was a major oversight on Sonos R&D and frankly a very illogical decision from a company that has been doing so well with decisions lately.
No need for "or the bunny gets it!" posts, the CEO has already tweeted that this is being considered and to stay tuned. Now, put... the bunny... back... in the box. 😉
No need for "or the bunny gets it!" posts, the CEO has already tweeted that this is being considered and to stay tuned. Now, put... the bunny... back... in the box. ;)

Interesting. That could tempt me to get an extra speaker at some stage I guess. I really only wanted a stereo pair but this could tempt to get a one for the pair and move a 1 to the guest bedroom.
Like in the plethora of other threads on this topic, several posts hint at a misunderstanding of the difference between 'pairing' (as in stereo pairing) and 'grouping'.

You can happily group a ONE with all your other Sonos speakers and devices. Works absolutely perfectly.

What you can't do is stereo pair it with anything other than another ONE -- as in send the left sound channel to one speaker, and the right to another. This is typically something you only want to do with identical speakers, and the ONE and PLAY:1 are not identical. (You wouldn't buy two different types of passive stereo speaker and hook up them up to an amplifier.)

However, the PLAY:1 and ONE do sound reasonably similar, so if Sonos does ultimately allow stereo pairing, they will either accept that users will live with the right/left channel sonic differences, or they will have to play DSP games to make the speakers sound the same. I'm not a DSP expert, but I suspect this is feasible, and might be coupled with Trueplay.

However, the PLAY:1 and ONE do sound reasonably similar, so if Sonos does ultimately allow stereo pairing, they will either accept that users will live with the right/left channel sonic differences, or they will have to play DSP games to make the speakers sound the same. I'm not a DSP expert, but I suspect this is feasible, and might be coupled with Trueplay.

Just my guess, from all I have read, is that even without DSP tweaks, there will be no issues. I don't know why Sonos did not do this from the start, but from what I read of what their CEO said, it could be as simple as that it offended their aesthetic sensibilities, given that the two do not look exactly the same! I also don't believe that this is some subtle strategy to drive higher sales of their hardware. I expect this to change sooner than many other things that posters are complaining about on the app and the Alexa integration in general.
As I didn't spend too much time on researching the differences between "One" and "1" (they look pretty much the same), I ordered a "One" with the intention to pair it with the "1" I already have. Very disappointed in Sonos, it's borderline deceiving marketing. I have been a strong advocate until now, telling all my friends to get a Sonos system. Will not any more and returning the "One".
As I didn't spend too much time on researching the differences between "One" and "1" (they look pretty much the same), I ordered a "One" with the intention to pair it with the "1" I already have. Very disappointed in Sonos, it's borderline deceiving marketing. I have been a strong advocate until now, telling all my friends to get a Sonos system. Will not any more and returning the "One".

Good grief! In what way is it "deceiving marketing"? They never stated it was the same as the Play:1, they never claimed it could be paired with the Play:1, they specifically named them different names (unlike the Play:5 fiasco) and the only thing that made anyone think they could be paired is they looked similar, so people assumed. I highly doubt Sonos knew what people were going to assume, in fact the CEO himself stated they never considered pairing them because they assumed the aesthetics would keep people from ever considering it.
The decision to change the sonic signature was short minded. Should have launched it as a companion to the play 1, then do a Play 2 with upgraded sound.

I either buy 4 more Sonos one's or return the one I just got and start the process of re-evaluating the new competition, its getting heated, defend your install base. (10 play 1's, 4 play 3's, 2 Play 5's, and was thinking on getting 2 TV setups).
I was mounting a new Sonos One to pair with my Play 1 when I read this, change of plans I guess, I hope that "at this time" means it may be possible soon.
I purchased a Sonos One as I thought it was a good deal for 2 products in one, also wanted to create a stereo pair with Play 1, very disappointed that that you could only do that with another Sonos One, which I think is stupid, if I had 2 Sonos Ones I thought it would be common sense to use in separate rooms to have that Alexa functionality in each room.

I’m going to return mine and purchase a couple of Alexa Echo Dots.

All the hype for Sonos One, very disappointed Sonos.
Hi, it is possible to pair a Sonos One and a Play:1 but you have to use a 3rd party app. I do not want to make any promotion but there are so much threads about this topic... Looks like many of us want to do this:

You can use the official Sonos app after you created the stereo-pair and it works like a "normal" one ...
I would have bought a new sonos one as soon as it came out to upgrade my surround for Alexa, but realized the pairing issue. I realize it might be nice to have Alexa on both if I ever split the pair up, but at this time I only wanted to change one. If I move the existing two to other rooms now I'd wish they had Alexa in those rooms. Hope they make a play one with the feature. Seems like that would have been better before they came out with an incompatible new model.
c'mon Sonos ... sort your crap out and release an update to be able to stereo pair 1's with One's ... you know it makes sense
The other bummer is is that you can't utilize all Alexa features with the Sonos One (e.g., Alexa Routines are not followed).
I suggest you look into the SonoSequencer app.