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I had two Play1 as stereo in my living room. Now I have plugged one of them out and moved to the kitchen. I would now like to create a new room “Kitchen” for this speaker and add that speaker, thus removing it from the living room. Could somebody tell me which settings to use in the Sonos application?
Desktop controller, or or Mobile?

On the mobile, which I have handy, you'd go to settings>Room Settings>Living Room>Separate Stereo Pair. Then go back to settings>Room Settings>[Name of speaker you want to change]>Room Name> and select the room name you want, i.e. kitchen, or backspace over what's at the top and put in your own name.

I'd assume it's similarly placed in the desktop controller, but I don't have one on the machine i'm typing on right now.
Thanks a lot Airgetlam, that worked! However, now that the two speakers are in separate rooms and unpaired, is there still a way to play my Spotify on both speakers at the same time? Because sometimes i like to play just one and sometimes i want to play the same music simultaniously on both speakers. Tried on Sonos and Spotify apps but that does not seem to be working... Thanks again for the help!
Sure. You can still "group" the two rooms and then start playing the music, and they'll be playing the same thing. They don't have to be "paired".
I am trying to reconfigure several speakers into different groups. I have a Play 3 stereo pair and Sub that were in my family room (with a playbar that I'll leave in my family room for now) and a play 5 (gen 1) that was in my Living Room. I tried moving the play 3's, 5, and sub into my "Office" to create a new group (with stereo pair of the Play 3's). Unfortunately, when I add the speakers, they cannot add themselves to an existing group. I can call all of them "Office", but when I do that, I get 3 groups named office which is not at all what I want. I can then stereo pair my 2 play 3's and I get "Office L+R" and "Office". Why can't this be simpler?
Resurrecting a year old thread, I see. :)

Your explanation is confusing to me. Maybe I should eat some dinner first, get the blood sugar going again.

So, your initial setup was a 5.1 'room' with a PLAYBAR and a SUB, along with a pair of PLAY:3s as surrounds. You had a PLAY:5 as the "office".

What you want to do is create a stereo pair with the PLAY:3s and add the SUB in your office?

So, first thing you would want to do is assign the PLAY:5 to another room name, so that you have the logical space for the pair of PLAY:3s in the "office", since any single room can't be greater than a stereo pair (with or without a SUB).

Once you move the PLAY:5 to its own room name, and any will do, you want to separate the PLAY:3s from the 5.1 setup. That process will cause them to be assigned to a new room, which can be the office, or something else. Once you've got them removed as surrounds, you can then remove the SUB.

Note that at no point in time in this process should you ever be resetting (factory resetting) any speakers. This can all be done in the software without touching the speakers.

Once the SUB has been removed from the PLAYBAR, you can add(bond) it to the room that is the pair of PLAY:3s, whichever name you chose. You can also, if needed, rename the room to "Office" at this point, if you allowed the software to use another name. Then, you can "group" the room that is the PLAY:5 with this room, and end up with what I think you wanted:

1) Room with only a PLAYBAR

2) Room with a pair of PLAY:3s and the SUB

3) Room with the PLAY:5.

Hopefully this helps. It's just a bunch of keystrokes in the Sonos controller. Which needs to be a mobile controller, this kind of thing can no longer be done on a desktop controller.
I just bought a Beam and a Play 1. Initially I set them up in separate rooms. I have moved the Play 1 to the same room as the Beam as the Left back speaker. I changed the name of it and added it to the group, but it isn't responding to volume controls. How do I make the Play 1 work as a part of a surround sound system? I just ordered another Play 1 to add as the Right back of the same room. I may need setup assistance with that as well. Does anyone have any specific instructions on how to achieve this?
You can't use a single Play:1 as a surround speaker. They have to be bonded in matched pairs. When your second Play:1 arrives you'll be able to formally add them to the Beam as surrounds via the Beam's room settings.

For now you can group the single Play:1 with the Beam, but you must fiddle with the volume levels separately.

By the way, room names are just labels. If you named two rooms as "Lounge" that wouldn't make them blend together in any way. You'd still have to group them explicitly.
Thank you for setting me straight. I will avoid posting in multiple places going forward. As for how to add them when the other Play 1 arrives tonight. How would I do that?
Go into the Beam's room settings and choose 'Add surrounds'.