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I'm considering buying another Play:5, and I'd like to know if there's an easy toggle between Mono and stereo. I guess an individual on/off toogle would also work (provided the speaker auto reverts to mono ofc). Both options would be best.

Since I only have one speaker, I haven't ever looked at the room configs or anything, so if this is self explanatory from the set-up, I apologize.

Thank you,
Identical speakers can be "Bonded" as a stereo pair. The pair will appear as a single room. This is optional. Each PLAY:5 is actually a stereo speaker, but one must almost press one's nose against the speaker grill for the full stereo effect. When Bonded as a pair the inner set of tweeters operate at reduced level. A single speaker in the vertical orientation is mono.

The stereo Bonding can be undone, but I wouldn't classify this as a "Toggle", because the reconfiguration requires some time to execute. Further, if you have an iPhone/iPad, and have used Trueplay, you will need to redo the Trueplay calibration as you switch to/from Bonded pair and standalone. Part of the Bonding procedure requires the user to declare "left" and "right".
Thank you both.

And I can't work around this by setting up one room for the bonded pair, and another to seperate them again?

What I'm looking for is being able to move the horizontal stands between rooms and only play the bonded audio when they're actually together.
You'd have to pair and unpair. In my experience it's actually pretty quick, a lot faster than bonding surrounds/Sub in a home theatre setup.

However the Trueplay tuning, if used, would need to be redone each time.
I don't use Trueplay (Android user) so that part's not an issue.

But I admit to being highly sceptical of having to go through any kind of process each time I switch between seperate and bonded speakers, which I would do daily. Without the added complication of the surround/trueplay (none of which I use) could you describe the pairing/unpairing process and how long it takes?

Thank you,

It should take less than a minute.
Thank you ratty. That works 🙂
I use the balancer in the EQ tab to play through only one of my speakers. (left or right speaker)