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Will sonos be partnering with HomeKit like they have done with amazon???????????
Same tough question here... I really love my Play:1 and I would consider selling all my current audio installation (speakers, amps...) and my soul to Sonos. BUT I would like to integrate Sonos to my home setup (currently a mix of Apple HomeKit compatible products and Logitec Harmony remotes), I will not complicate my "solution" more! The lack of HomeKit support is the reason I am not buying more Sonos products for the moment. I'll check out again mid-January - maybe the Christmas and CES season would have brought good news!

Sonos, you opened your doors to Amazon - do the same with HomeKit. Consider the number of Apple users who are now checking what is compatible with Siri and HomeKit - and multiply by the number of Sonos speakers you can sell to them! 🙂
This would be great. Not all of us use Alexa, and with iOS 10 especially it looks like Apple will be investing hugely in HomeKit (which I have started using as a result). +1 for Sonos/HomeKit support!
Could the lack of HomeKit integration have to do with the same issue WeMo is running into with HomeKit integration?

Basically yes. Because HomeKit was built to be secure from the start (quite unlike things like bluetooth door locks) it involves a small hardware component which means that your existing Sonos gear can't be firmware upgraded to have HomeKit support. However, I don't see this as a problem that's unsolvable, in the way that Belkin seems to say it is. Philips solved it by changing only the bridge device from the old model, to a new one with HomeKit support.

Similarly, Belkin, if they really wanted, could produce a HomeKit bridge device, which then relayed the HomeKit commands to their legacy devices. All new switches could be sold with HomeKit built in, so you'd only need the bridge if you already had a bunch of legacy devices. That *is* possible, but Belkin doesn't want to do it, so they tell you something true, while omitting the fairly cheap workaround.

There's no reason why Sonos couldn't do the same thing. Either a new version of the Boost, or another bridge device entirely COULD be produced, which just plugs into the wall and provides HomeKit (and therefore Siri) integration to your existing Sonos setup.

Home automation ecosystems take a long time to develop to the point of ubiquity. Sonos got in early, and they're really enjoying the fruits of being the default multi-room wireless audio choice in the market. I think the seriousness with which Apple is approaching HomeKit reveals that they're in it for the long haul. Apple's customers are also far more statistically likely to invest more money in ecosystem products, unlike Android customers, which means that HomeKit is a good bet for the long-term future of home automation.

For this reason, I wouldn't rule out HomeKit support for Sonos in future, but it won't be soon, because for a relatively small company, bringing out a new device requires a significant investment, and they won't do it until they think they can sell truckloads of them.

But if they're reading this, they should definitely be doodling on napkins, because integration is 'sticky' (to use a marketing term). People LOVE all their stuff working nicely together and it has a lot of wow factor which leads to word of mouth sales. A small 'HomeKit Bridge for Sonos' would allow them to leverage Siri which is in the hands (and on the wrists) of mobile users with the highest disposable income. That's not to be dismissed.
Yesss, absolutly needed! Otherwise this would be a deal breaker for me.

"Hey Siri, play You Am I in the bathroom" would be neat.
As someone who has invested heavily into the Apple ecosystem with quite a number of Sonos products as well in my household, I too would love Sonos to become HomeKit capable.
Thanks for the insight.

Sonos very rarely give us insight into their plans- Recently they announced a focus on streaming services and voice control and then even more recently they have announced a tie in with Alexa.

This is very atypical Sonos behaviour in terms of announcing.

NOBODY who posts on these boards has any insight beyond speculation.

Employees of Sonos (Identified) will either not be aware (bamboo curtains) or be under a 3 line whip to keep Mum, Beta testers (Private) who will obviously have a few weeks or months notice are bound by NDAs.

In terms of Siri my personal view is that it is a no-brainer for Sonos to explore this option even if they risk upsetting non Apple users. But even if they don't there is bound to be 3rd party developers jumping on the band wagon.
Stuart, I am aware of and agree with everything you say. I may not post often, but am a long-time Sonos owner and enthusiast (bought my first Connect in 2008, although it was called ZP90 back then) and I spend quite a bit of time on this board. I was merely speculating if this is a step toward something more. It is unusual, although not totally unprecedented, for Apple to sell products on their website and in store that do not in some way integrate with the Apple ecosystem. By integration I mean more than just having a control app. Example, Belkin WeMo products have an app for control but they have never been sold directly by Apple on their website or in store.

I don't see why introducing Siri control to the Sonos app would upset non Apple users. I think it makes business sense for Sonos to go beyond Amazon Echo and DOT connectivity. I'm not an Android user, but I would view it as a positive step if Sonos added voice control to the Android app. I would welcome Amazon, Apple and Google control integration. HomeKit compatibility may be a more difficult thing to incorporate, particularly with the laudable Sonos practice of not introducing changes that render older Sonos hardware obsolete. But building Siri control into the app seems achievable and in line with Sonos' stated plans to embrace advancements in and trends toward home automation.
I am really happy with all my Sonos products - but I am missing that Sonos is HomeKit ready.

Hope Sonos in the near future will make a solution with HomeKit
I have a large network of Sonos players and would love home kit integration. No reason why it could not be implemented with the addition of a new bridge, similar to what Philips did with Hue. I would gladly pay for a new bridge for the functionality.
I`m an Apple user and my house is all HomeKit enabled. I`m just waiting for Sonos to create maybe a new bridge for that, I hope they will do the integration !!!!
I think the announcement of HomePod yesterday kills the possiblity of HomeKit intergration.

I think the announcement of "Speakers" as a category in HomeKit means Sonos now has no excuse but to add compatibility for it.
No, I actually don't. My expectation is that Sonos has expressed the desire to work closely with any company who wants to contribute to the process, and Amazon happened to be the first one who did. I expect that Apple had this up their sleeves, and decided not to dedicate the resources.

And yes, I watched the reveal, and the list of companies. What I saw there were only speaker companies, not aggregators like Sonos is. But I have to admit I didn't spend a lot of time looking as the list, other than noting a few of the larger companies who already have Airplay agreements with Apple.

And believe me, I'm not knocking Apple on this either. I want to know how the system is going to work before I can even begin to form an opinion, but my guess is that it won't be supporting anything other than Apple Music (no Spotify, no Pandora no Amazon, no Deezer, no Google, etc).

However, if it can take anything currently playing on the xOS platform and send it to the speaker, including app sounds, then it's going to be a challenge for Sonos. It will become de facto computer speakers, and we will see a greater litany of complaints here. My thought while watching yesterday was "will it work with my iTunes, or is it only Apple Music (which I don't have a subscription to)?

So I'm reserving judgement until I know more about the system. It does look sexy as hell, to be sure, but I don't think I'll be anxious to quickly replace the 16 Sonos products I already own, much less the 3 Amazon/Echo/Alexa devices.

But they haven't come out with a Sub, or a Playbar yet, and its really unclear if a stereo pair is really stereo, or just sounds better. Sonos has a lot of things going for it. This may cut in to some of their revenue, for sure, especially if they can be linked as easily as AirPods can. But you'll still need a good wifi network and signal 🙂
Lots of good points. But HomePod seems to do the one thing I think is great about Sonos: it streams directly to the device, not via your phone or computer. That's gonna give Sonos a run for their money.

It also does a lot of things that Sonos can't do.

Finally, if the HomePod is successful, you can bet it will eventually come in other shapes and sizes.

If Sonos doesn't start to step up, this could be the beginning of the end for Sonos. (A dire sentiment, but a plausible one.)
But I'm an Apple fan AND a Sonos fan. I'd prefer if they stayed agnostic but offered great support for many services/integrations/etc.
It would be great if they did and then hopefully you could use sonos alongside Phillips hue bulbs. It would be great to use the wake up light function with hue along with sonos music as your alarm.
Amazon Echo is being released next week in the UK. I have ordered one and am expecting it to arrive on Wednesday (28th). I am expecting to find it interesting. Yet, I would still much prefer to have Sonos work with Apple's HomeKit.
Wonder if this is a sign that Siri may someday be enabled for control functions, now that Apple has opened it up for use by App developers? Certainly a positive direction for Sonos & Apple:
Wonder if this is a sign that Siri may someday be enabled for control functions, now that Apple has opened it up for use by App developers? Certainly a positive direction for Sonos & Apple:


This is clearly a sign that you will shortly be able to buy Play 1 and Play 5 speakers in an Apple store. It means no more and no less than that.
Please add HomeKit support!
Picking up on KenS comments with regards 'backwards compatibility'; I own a Tado heating control system and their solution is to offer a discounted replacement 'bridge' which is able to connect to the homekit. As somebody who 'grew-up' with the Sonos bridge, if that was the limiting factor, then a similar solution would be a step in the right direction. I see the integration into Apple (and other formats) the only way to survive, otherwise new customers into the Audio market will find other solutions - I see a great plus, for my music to be switched on and off depending on my geolocation (whether I'm home or not), it'd also be more 'eco friendly', as how many people go round switching everything off before they leave the house ?? - Go HOMEKIT ... please.
Not sure if it helps, but Homebridge is a gateway to connect your iDevice with many other devices witch are not yet HomeKit compatible, including Sonos.

For sure, it requires some nerd skills, a Raspberry Pi to install it, but it worth it. I did it to set up my entire KNX automation at home and as soon as I get some Sonos, I will connect it to Homebridge. Maybe I should think for a career shift lol.

Have a look at it :
I do agree, I would rather like Sonos to be compatible with Apple HomeKit than Amazon. Please have this integration in the future.
I guess Sonos isn't great in communicating future plans. Could the lack of HomeKit integration have to do with the same issue WeMo is running into with HomeKit integration?
I, too, have that hope, but it's likely dependent on whether Apple approaches them, since it would take work on both sides of the fence. And unfortunately, it won't be sooner than later, since they haven't finished the Amazon integration yet, which is probably the long pole in the process. They need to figure out how it works first, then porting it over to other systems would be a little bit more easy, I expect. Not a guaranty, mind you, but at least a significant portion of the concept design would be completed, and a model to compare against would exist.