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I have a Beam and One currently. The speakers are in adjacent rooms and I'd like them to always both play by default when starting music. Anyone know of a way to do this? Seems like something basic that should be supported.
Group them and they will stay grouped until you ungroup, or they are rebooted.
My speakers are connected to my TV. Each time I turn the TV off and turn it back on, I have to re-group the speakers. Is there any way to make the group permanent so that all the rooms grouped together play the sound from the TV automatically?
My speakers are connected to my TV. Each time I turn the TV off and turn it back on, I have to re-group the speakers. Is there any way to make the group permanent so that all the rooms grouped together play the sound from the TV automatically?

I assume you are using a Playbar, Playbase, Beam or Amp connected to the TV? If so, go to More-> Settings->Room Settings->(TV room name)->TV Setup and Control, and set 'Ungroup on Autoplay' to Off.
I figured out the problem. The "Ungroup on Autoplay" indicator said it was "off" but it was actually still on. I toggled it back to "on" and closed the app (and turned off the WiFi on my phone). When I went back in, it was somehow set to "off" again. I toggled it to "on" and closed out of the app. When I opened the app back up it was still "on". I toggled it to "off" and closed out of the app. When I opened the app back up it was now set to "off". My speakers now remain grouped the way I want them.
That points to two potentials. One is wifi interference, inasmuch as the command being sent by your controller isn't getting to the speaker correctly. Secondly, there might be something odd going on in the speaker itself. Worth at the least power cycling (rebooting) the speaker, to reload the OS and clear any possible errors.