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I have a Sonos Connect that is connected to my surround speakers in my living room. In my office I have 1 Play 1 and in my kitchen I have 2 play 1 speakers set up for stereo. All is set up in a single group and it have worked like a charm until a few days ago. Now I have delays of approximately 2 seconds between the speakers in each room. I have tried to look around for a solution, but have not been able to finde anything similar my setup. All speakers are running wireless except the Connect that is wired.
Is it reproducible? Does it persist after powering the units off and on again (and regrouping them obviously)?

What happens if you start with a different room, then add the others to it?
Thank you @Ratty,

Just so simple. I removed power from all devices and regrouped and now they are playing in sync. Thanks for the fast answer:D
The old adage: turn it off and turn it on again.

If the problem recurs, submit a diagnostic immediately and post the confirmation number for Sonos Support to look at. There is a rare hardware fault which can trigger this kind of behaviour intermittently.