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I am now the unhappy owner of two Sonos Play 1s falling for the scam of a "partnership" with Amazon allowing users to send music from the Echo to a Sonos Play 1.

Turns out the Sonos is WiFi and the Echo Dot is bluetooth!!!! I will be publishing more on my YouTube channel. I will also mention the junk software that other users complain about skipping to next song before the current song has completed playing.

Please feel free to see my review of the Play 1 versus the UE Boom 2 on YouTube.

Moderation Edit by Ryan S: Removed self-promoted youtube video link which is against community rules.
Whatever... :8
But just curious - are you really completely unaware of the true situation or are you trying to mislead?
But just curious - are you really completely unaware of the true situation or are you trying to mislead?

Okay, I'll go slowly for you.

The Sonos Play1 receives audio over WiFi (are you with me thus far?) the Echo Dot sends audio over Bluetooth (still following?).

In other words: The signal sent from the Echo is useless to the Sonos but Sonos is making a big deal about integration.

Have an adult watch this video with you.
You do know the integration isn't ready yet, right? :8
There's never been any suggestion about sending music from an Echo to a Sonos. The joint development is of voice control.

A bit of basic research would reveal that Sonos doesn't support Bluetooth.

Oh, and if you have track skips you have network problems.
The original post here is a laughably incorrect and ignorant exercise in self-promotion. It defies any reaction beyond Chicks' "whatever".

Turns out the Sonos is WiFi and the Echo Dot is bluetooth!!!!

Well, duh! Guess you're the one person who didn't know this, or that it's completely irrelevant to the integration. :8
The original post here is a laughably incorrect and ignorant exercise in self-promotion.

It could potentially count as traffic-driving spam.
I'll cut you some slack, and suggest you actually go and understand what the Alexa/Sonos voice control integration is all about before you dig yourself into a deeper hole.

Clue: It's not about an Echo streaming anything. Sonos does its own streaming.
Cool! Thanks for the slack. Sonos Play1 does not stream. It receives. I cannot send anything to anything else from my Sonos Play1. I can send music vis a vis my phone with the Sonos app. I cannot send music from my Sonos Play1 to my phone.

Furthermore: if you watch the videos promoted by Sonos it will be fully integrated with the Echo Dot. Meaning I will be able to say something like "alexa, play Mumford and Sons" and it will play through the Sonos Play1.

So far the Dot does have WiFi but cannot join an adhoc network and play through the Sonos.

You really haven't grasped how this stuff works together. I'd encourage you to study the network architectures of Sonos and Alexa/Echo.
But.. but... he's an "expert", with YouTube videos and everything. :8
Whatever. 😃
Whatever. :8
Whatever. You have failed to understand...well, just about everything, it seems.
Are Hue lights Bluetooth? No.

Can Echo/Alexa turn on Hue lights? Yes.

Can it dim them? Yes.

Can it make them change color? Yes.

Can it turn them off? Yes.

Are Sonos players Bluetooth? No.

Will Echo/Alexa be able to start them? Yes.

Will it be able to change tracks? Yes.

Will it be able to make them choose tracks/playlists/stations? Yes.

Will it be able to pause/stop them? Yes.

Adjust volume? Yes.

Seeing the pattern yet?
I am now the unhappy owner of two Sonos Play 1s falling for the scam of a "partnership" with Amazon

Subscribe and see what I have to say about the Amazon/Sonos scam before you buy!

Should you not be more tech savvy than what the above seems to suggest before explaining tech to others? And even so, the last place to do that is here, to people much more tech savvy than you.
This is quite an embarrassing thread actually. Let's keep it simple seanorama.

Firstly the integration between Sonos and Amazon's Alexa has not been effected as yet.

Secondly, clearly it is not an integration that will require Bluetooth which Sonos is well known to not support. It will happen over Wifi much as jgatie has not so nicely tried to indicate to you.

The hole you dug is quite deep so leave it alone, keep your Echo Dot and Sonos products and be patient. It shall all be revealed soon.
Wow. A YouTube Channel? Awesome! Are you 12?
Are Hue lights Bluetooth? No.

Can Echo/Alexa turn on Hue lights? Yes.

Can it dim them? Yes.

Can it make them change color? Yes.

Can it turn them off? Yes.

Are Sonos players Bluetooth? No.

Will Echo/Alexa be able to start them? Yes.

Will it be able to change tracks? Yes.

Will it be able to make them choose tracks/playlists/stations? Yes.

Will it be able to pause/stop them? Yes.

Adjust volume? Yes.

Seeing the pattern yet?

Hue lights work off of zigbee which is BLUETOOTH!! Or BLE bluetooth low energy. The previous bluetooth is now called bluetooth classic. Alexa communicates to the network through WiFi and speakers and HUE BRIDGE through bluetooth.

Notice a pattern? cutie patootie.

Zigbee is 802.15.4 and bluetooth is 802.15.1

And yes you deftly pointed out what most people know: Alexa can communicate with the hue bridge which is in fact bluetooth.

Now get an adult and watch this video.

You will notice the people in the room communicating with a Dot and a Sonos Play1.

Now after you have viewed the video (repeatedly like the third grade) you may ask yourself "where does this music come from?" There is only a Dot and a Sonos Play1 on the breakfast bar!

Pretty misleading video don't you agree?

Pretty misleading video don't you agree?

Not if what it shows is what is delivered when the integration is released. Since the release has to still happen, how can this be called misleading at this time?
Can a Sonos moderator please intervene to stop this nonsense?
Hue lights work off of zigbee which is BLUETOOTH!! Or BLE bluetooth low energy. The previous bluetooth is now called bluetooth classic. Alexa communicates to the network through WiFi and speakers and HUE BRIDGE through bluetooth.

Notice a pattern? cutie patootie.

Zigbee is 802.15.4 and bluetooth is 802.15.1

And yes you deftly pointed out what most people know: Alexa can communicate with the hue bridge which is in fact bluetooth.

Now get an adult and watch this video.

You will notice the people in the room communicating with a Dot and a Sonos Play1.

Now after you have viewed the video (repeatedly like the third grade) you may ask yourself "where does this music come from?" There is only a Dot and a Sonos Play1 on the breakfast bar!

Pretty misleading video don't you agree?

Alexa is not going to stream to Sonos via Bluetooth, nor does it need to. Alexa will be issuing commands to Sonos via WiFi and Sonos will be doing the streaming on its own. Just like the communication between Alexa and the Hue hub, or the Sonos controller and Sonos players, Alexa will only be issuing commands which Sonos will then act upon to stream from its various sources exactly like it does today without Alexa. If you need it simplified:

Echo/Alexa == Controller

Sonos == Multi-room streamer

Now that you know how wrong you are, you may proceed to feel foolish, and apologize for you demeaning accusations and name calling. Admit you were wrong and delete your silly videos before you embarrass yourself any more.