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Are there any possibility to connect Bang Olufsen Wireless (WISA) speakers to my existing SONOS system? I have 4 AMP:s, 2 One. i relly love the B&O speakers and still want to use SONOS 

What specific model B&O speakers do you own?

The only way to use WiSA with your B&O speakers would be to add a Sonos Port to your system, connected to a B&O “Transmitter 1”.  Cabling the speakers to the Sonos Port analog output will almost always work better.  But yes, please do say which speakers...

(In advance of your answer, some speculation: Presumably you are using WiSA with a B&O television now, else you would know of (already have purchased) the Transmitter-1?  Given the potential for interference between WiSA and 5GHz Wi-Fi, you might want to avoid doing Sonos surrounds or sub with their TV speakers like the Arc or Beam -- which uses the unlicensed 5GHz band for its own communications.  To avoid the silent delay while the Transmitter 1 establishes a connection with the speakers each time, there is a way to set it to “always on”, which your B&O dealer should do for free if you decide you need it after install.  Before or after getting advice here, ask your favorite internet search engine “ sonos wisa delay”.)