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Anyone pickup the new Symfonisk Bookshelf Gen 2 + Wireless Charging Shelf?

  • 21 July 2022
  • 1 reply

I know the shelf is technically not a Sonos product, but there is no one to contact at Ikea.   Basically, the Wireless charging on the shelf is horrible!  Takes me like 2-3 minutes to find the right spot to charge the phone even though they put a big plus on it where the device is supposed to go.



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1 reply

Badge +17

Hi @Howie411,


Thanks for the feedback on the Symfonisk charging shelf. I’m sorry your experience with it hasn’t been great.

You can get in contact with Ikea Support online or via phone +1-888-888-4532 (US toll free). 

Please let me know if you’re in another region and I’ll get the correct contact number for you.