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System: a number of Sonos devices including some older devices plus One and One SL - both of which should be capable of receiving AirPlay2 streams.

I also have wide range of Apple devices capable of sending streams - 2x iPhones, iPad, iMac, MacBook etc.

NONE of the devices will communicate so that I can stream audio to the One/OneSL for more than a couple of seconds - and that only if I’m lucky.  Randomly the One will occasionally ‘blurt’ out some music for a few seconds after a short period of time - but not so you could actually listen via the Sonos units. 

All the while, I can control the stream via Sonos’ iOS app or desktop software - so the Sonos software can control pause/play etc. I just can’t listen to the stream.  In fact in the app I can see the music ‘representation’ bouncing away as it it’s actually doing something!


Right now I’m listening to a stream absolutely fine via AirPlay2 off one of the iPhones and a Marantz hi-fi amp and my floorstanders.  Stream works 100% of the time straight via the Marantz unit whether it’s created from iMac, MacBook, either phone or iPad.  Similarly I can throw a stream from any of these to an Apple TV 4k box without any connection issues.

The 2nd pair of channels from the Marantz are set to feed a Sonos Connect via the line-inputs (not an ideal solution).

If I play from the Sonos music library everything is absolutely fine - but of course BBC Sounds isn’t available as a ‘music source’, nor can I just walk through the door and continue listening to whatever I was hearing in the car or via my headphones.


What I’ve tried so far:

Changing Sonosnet channels

Changing to WiFi rather than Sonosnet (and changed back)

Full restart of all units… (unplug, wait 10s, power back up)


I have submitted diagnostics under number 1951545775 in the hope someone at Sonos will come up with a solution - this is now making me question why I keep buying products that don’t work particularly well except in a very basic configuration.

Hi @simonprbenson, thanks for reaching out with the Sonos Community! We greatly appreciate you being a part of the Sonos family. It is our pleasure.

I also appreciate the details and efforts so let me help you out with your concern and confirm if it’s all okay when you’re using the Sonos app on any controllers that our only problem is when using Airplay? 

Have you also tried using Airplay in one speaker only, not playing in a group to test? Can I also ask the model of your Asus router to check if there’s a known issue or configuration needed to make it work smoothly as you have tried playing around with the SonosNet channels, wireless and hardwired connections? 

Keep us posted. We and the community are always here to help.



Using other sources - such as Sonos Radio, my music library, Amazon Music, Apple Music etc all plays largely ok, with the occasional glitch but nothing serious.  For the majority of time I’m using the desktop app (for OS 😵 simply because I’m sat at my desk… though the latest version of the app is installed across all devices - iPhones, iPod, iMac, MacBook.

Streaming to either Sonos One device (in or our of a group) has the same effect - a couple of seconds of play and then nothing.  The One SL I have had for a few months, the One (with Alexa) only for a matter of days. I bought the newer device because a) I needed to add another speaker and b) I wondered whether it would prove to be a hardware issue with the original One SL...

As for the router - an Asus RT-AC85P - that’s a relatively new addition (about 2 months) because another vendor of hardware suggested that the router we were running may be a problem. The irony there: previously using a Netgear Nighthawk, and the company with issue is owned by Netgear… in their case the problems have been narrowed to their implementation of 2FA. The Asus router has actually solved a lot of issues!

Router is ALWAYS run with latest firmware - as phones/desktop machines are always patched with updates within a week of them becoming available, with all apps set to auto update.

I wonder if it’s the Apple clients changing WiFi band? Have a look here option (3) Smart Connect ( band steering)

I wonder if it’s the Apple clients changing WiFi band? Have a look here option (3) Smart Connect ( band steering)

I’d give it a try but for 2 issues:
1) not an option on the AC85P router (only applies to the list on
and 2) the iMac is hard wired… the problem exists whether I’m trying from iOS devices or desktop.

OK. In your example screenshot you have 4 rooms, lounge, kitchen, bedroom & shed. Are any hardwired? Try to Airplay to single ungrouped Sonos device that is hardwired from the iMac. If successful add the other wireless Sonos devices to that group.

@craigski ok some progress.

Have hardwired Lounge - the new Sonos ONE - and can stream from iMac to it, solo and also when part of a group - at least for a couple of minutes, which is a big improvement over a couple of seconds. 

If I then try to stream to that same speaker (still hardwired) from phone then I get the same situation as my OP. i.e. it works for a few seconds and then the connection drops - BUT I can still control the stream (play/pause) from within Sonos desktop and iOS apps. To me that suggests the stream is there, connected and operational, but sound has been dropped by the Sonos speaker(s).

As mentioned before, I can stream from iMac, phones etc to my (wifi connected) Marantz amp without issue. From there I can chuck the stream via ‘zone 2’ to the Sonos Connect line input which I can then broadcast to the other speakers - but that rather defeats the object of buying the Airplay connected Sonos units!

I’m trying to watch some TV coverage from Tour de France but will leave the stream running in the background for time being via the iMac to check that we haven’t just delayed the issue - though of course still not being able to use from iOS remains a problem!

Glad you are making progress. If it is stable from iMac to wired Sonos, it suggests a wireless or network issue between Asus router and iOS devices. I would still take a look at band steering on router.


After, reading this:

Are you still using the Netgear ‘range extenders’, as you mention the property is a challenge for WiFi?



@craigski - if as you suggest it’s a problem between the router and iOS devices explain why I can use any of these devices streamed to the Marantz amp - using Airplay - without issue. Similarly, any iOS/OS X device to Apple TV box works just fine - it is only with Sonos I experience any issue.  Also, the problem existed before the current router was installed.


Re the Netgear extenders - no.  Replaced those with (still far from ideal) powerline adapter to go from one end of the property to the other - all of about 50 feet.  Router is in the lounge at the front of the building, whilst the kitchen is at the back.  Bedroom is about mid-way.  The property is a challenge for WiFi because of high iron content bricks - router to kitchen has line of sight, but signal strength drops to about 30%! 

I would have run a cable from front to rear but it’s a mix of pitched and flat roof and it’s not possible to lift the floor...

The big downside of the powerline kit is it cannot work through the UPS that was located at either end - both router and in the kitchen to enable the wireless & cloud-storage based CCTV system to work even if the power went off (note that the CCTV system runs on a completely separate WiFi network). 

Have been doing a further investigation regarding WiFi:
2.4Ghz network: 10 devices (all home automation - mostly lamps)
5Ghz network: 12 devices (phones, tablet, MacBook, Marantz amp, Apple TV, TV itself, Amazon Dot)

In regard to the Sonos kit, as I have it right now:
Connect - wired
ONE (lounge) - currently wired
Play:1 (1x bedroom, 1x kitchen) - Sonosnet
ONE SL (shed) - hybrid… it’s wired to a booster that links to powerline wifi extension - only needs to work in the shed and only appears intermittently if I’m not in the shed!

Powerline extenders have been known to disrupt Sonos - but that doesn’t explain why Sonos itself is OK but Airplay 2 to Sonos isn’t.  

Here is a slightly off-the-wall experiment for you.  I don’t have much confidence it will make a difference, but it might tell us something.  So I would suggest you only do it if it is simple and convenient to do and undo.  Try powering off your non-Sonos Airplay 2 compatible devices, and see how the Sonos devices perform then.

Powerline extenders have been known to disrupt Sonos - but that doesn’t explain why Sonos itself is OK but Airplay 2 to Sonos isn’t.  

Here is a slightly off-the-wall experiment for you.  I don’t have much confidence it will make a difference, but it might tell us something.  So I would suggest you only do it if it is simple and convenient to do and undo.  Try powering off your non-Sonos Airplay 2 compatible devices, and see how the Sonos devices perform then.

Hi @John B. Nothing Sonos is connected to the Powerline devices - though if I do plug the kitchen unit via the link it takes down the entire network with significant traffic collisions reported on the adjacent switch.

Nice idea about shitting down all other Airplay2 devices, but I’ve been experiencing problems since day one with the ONE SL (October 2019), so before I bought the Marantz in March 2020 (previous amps were all non-Airplay), and Apple TV only bought about 6 weeks ago… 

The Sonos would not have to be connected to the powerline extenders for them to cause disruption. But I don't actually think that is likely to be the explanation.

OK, an addendum - and something that came about randomly.

Since hard wiring the Sonos ONE I hadn’t tried to stream anything from my MacBook (as against iPhones/iPad) - and from the laptop (WiFi only) it now works!  Prior to hard wiring I can confirm that I could not stream anything reliably to the Sonos ONE or ONE SL.  Right now I’m sat with MacBook on my lap (no cables at all) listening to streamed BBC Radio 2… can control via Sonos desktop app or iPhone and also via the BBC Sounds website.

iOS devices continue to provide a stream that only plays for a handful of seconds.

When you wire the kitchen unit you are getting a network storm caused by data looping round the mesh.

I would suggest simplifying the network initially.  Are the two wired devices wired directly to the router?

The Sonos would not have to be connected to the powerline extenders for them to cause disruption. But I don't actually think that is likely to be the explanation.

As I said @John B , the problem pre-existed the introduction of the Powerline system which was brought in to fix other issues…  My father’s comment (he’s an electronics engineer) was, rather unhelpfully, “what’s wrong with speaker cable”.

When you wire the kitchen unit you are getting a network storm caused by data looping round the mesh.

I would suggest simplifying the network initially.  Are the two wired devices wired directly to the router?

2 wired devices connected directly to the router? Not a hope!

Because of where the broadband comes into the building the modem is by the front window, on my desk.  The router is then about 15 feet away.  From there the wired network comes back to my desk - to a 12 port switch which supports VOIP phone system, NAS units, networked printer, iMac etc.  From the desk a cable runs to opposite side of the lounge where another (5 port) switch sits to provide wired network to Connect, TiVo and a blu-ray player. 

Powerline kit is plugged directly into the router.  At the ‘other end’ the Powerline WiFi is in ude to get signal down to the shed plus hardwired to a 4-port switch with Arlo CCTV hanging off it. 

The shed has a repeater in it because again the WiFi is so degraded it becomes unusable. The ONE SL is wired to the repeater because there is insufficient signal on the Sonosnet to get a connection at all.

Not the best sketch… but this might give an idea of what I have!  Lounge at the front, bedroom behind, (then bathroom) and kitchen.
M = modem, Box with three things is router, SW = switch, P1=Play:1, ONE and ONE SL fairly self explanatory… 


OK guys, I don’t know what changes were made in the most recent software updates (I am aware of updates to both desktop and iOS clients over the past few days and am presuming some form of general system updates) but have just listened without interruption to almost 2 hours Airplay’d from iMac to the Sonos ONE in my system.

Shame the same cannot be said for streaming from an iPhone but it’s a start…

From the phone, as was the case previously, a few seconds play and then despite both ‘BBC Sounds’ app and Sonos iOS & desktop apps showing the stream playing there is NO sound. Sonos apps can ‘control’ the stream in so far as the Sounds app shows the stream being paused and played, but no sounds.

The only ‘difference’ as far as I can see is that the phone is wifi whereas the iMac is wired to the network - as is the Sonos ONE following previous suggestions.  BUT before everyone says it’s the wifi - this issue ONLY affects the Sonos system since I can repeatedly listen to streamed shows via phone to Marantz AV receiver which is on the same wifi network.

All units reporting Version: 12.0.5 (build 58180080) - except iPhone V12.0.6.  Desktop app etc reporting no updates available.

Hi @simonprbenson, thanks for your response. Can you please submit a diagnostic report from your phone and iMac? That way we can compare it and check it further for you. Reply to us with the confirmation number. We and the community are always here to help.

@Krishma M sure.

iMac (submitted whilst audio streaming from Chrome browser to ‘Lounge’ Sonos ONE): 891890631

iPhone (submitted whilst audio showing as streaming from BBC Sounds but no sound present): 1294307423

Despite the latter providing no audio after a handful of seconds it’s notable that the app provides information about the track being played, including album artwork, which continues to be visible despite no sound! 

The Sounds app works fine via bluetooth to airpods, and via AirPlay to the Marantz amp also in my system - so it’s not the app, or the phone (or the WiFi network) - the issue ONLY affects the Sonos implementation.

Hi @simonprbenson, thanks for your reply and for submitting the diagnostics. Upon checking the diagnostics, the controllers and Sonos are not on the same version, can you please update your Sonos system first? Once done, ungroup the speakers and try to play to the Sonos One speaker only and see how it goes. Submit another diagnostic and reply to us with the confirmation number. We and the community are always here to help.