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In my office-room I have 2 play: 1 loudspeakers and 1 play: 5 available. Which configuration do you recommend and are possible?
Hi, basvv. Welcome to the community. There's no right or wrong answer here. What is it that you are trying to achieve? You can always move the speakers around in that space. I would recommend trying some different configurations and move them around until you find something you like. For instance, you could always have the PLAY:1's operating in stereo, and then have the PLAY:5 down the other end of the room, grouped to the first pair. If there's anything else we can do, don't hesitate to let us know.
Hi Edward,

Thanks for your fast answer. That's what I now did and the sound is perfect. Thanks for your help!! Bas
No problem, Bas! Enjoy. Keep us posted.