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youtube music and sonos voice control

everyone should know that Sonos voice control is absolutely terrible and does not even support YouTube Music. It’s a swindle to try to con you into buying their music service. The only one that supports voice control. I’m absolutely returning this thing immediately. It used to be illegal to false advertise in this country. when I bought this thing, I absolutely envisioned myself controlling YouTube Music with my voice using this device And was 100% convinced that that was going to be possible. but no. sonos: Very clunky and incompatible. does sound good though

12 replies

False advertising?  Here’s the “advertising” you should have looked at:


Music services that work with Sonos Voice Control

You can use Sonos Voice Control to play music from a number of popular music services. If you have a preferred service, you can set it as the default so that service plays when you ask Sonos to play music. To learn more about the types of requests you can use to play music, see our article about controlling Sonos with Sonos Voice Control.


  • Sonos Radio
  • Apple Music
  • Amazon Music
  • Deezer
  • Pandora
  • Spotify


Some library management voice requests, like adding songs to playlists, are not available on every service.


Looks pretty clear to me!

thanks for the snarkiness. It definitely makes me not any happier at all with the fact that this product does not do what I envisioned myself doing with it and it’s called voice controlled. noted the wonderful community around here that snipes anybody that criticizes the product

thanks for the snarkiness. It definitely makes me not any happier at all with the fact that this product does not do what I envisioned myself doing with it and it’s called voice controlled. noted the wonderful community around here that snipes anybody that criticizes the product


Look, what you “envisioned” doesn’t match reality, and that reality was laid out quite clearly in a support page.  That’s not on me, and it’s not on Sonos, it’s on you.  

And PS - The fact that YouTube music isn’t working on Sonos voice is on YouTube, not on Sonos.  It’s up to YouTube to work with Sonos to integrate their service.  If they aren’t willing to do that, there’s nothing Sonos can do to force them. 

go abuse someone else. I am using the Sonos app not the YouTube app. 

go abuse someone else. I am using the Sonos app not the YouTube app. 


Stating facts is abuse?  You need a thicker skin.  And I was talking about the Sonos app.  Sonos can’t use voice control to control YouTube without YouTube’s permission and input.  

i’m done with this discussion and I reported the flame war starting and community support board abuse

go abuse someone else. I am using the Sonos app not the YouTube app. 


You’re not being abused.  Stop with the drama. 

What @jgatie is saying is that Sonos does have the legal authority to integrate Sonos voice control with any music service it wants.  The music service has to consent to the integration at a minimum.   It has nothing to do with what app you’re using.

characterizing me is not germane to the discussion, sir. That is off-topic abuse, which has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that voice control does not work with YouTube Music. observe how none of my comments have gone ad hominem. Maybe you can learn from that example.


Literally every device that advertises voice control that I have used works with YouTube Music except for Sonos, which is why I was surprised to find out that it doesn’t… I see now that Sonos has a very let’s say active community who are fiercely defensive of the product. That’s OK, but it’s not my cup of tea if that’s OK with you. I bought this product because I need to be able to voice control YouTube Music. I do think it sounds nice for whatever that’s worth. It’s just not what I need. I am very disappointed that I have to send it back.

noted the wonderful community around here that snipes anybody that criticizes the product


 Sonos has a very let’s say active community who are fiercely defensive of the product


Nope, no ad hominem at all.  🤣

I have requested an account deletion from Sonos and I am still receiving unwanted messages from users on this board. I had a valid complaint and I’ve just been spammed and harassed since posting it. I was misled into believing that I would be able to use voice control with YouTube Music. The advertisement clearly states voice control and YouTube Music and you have to read the fine print to find out that they don’t work together. I cannot mute the thread. There is no place in the UI to go that I can find to delete this Sonos community account so I went ahead and deleted my entire Sonos account and even that did not prevent these messages from coming to me. I did not sign up on this board to engage with passionate users. I signed up because I thought other users such as myself might like to know writ large that Sonos voice control does not work with YouTube Music. So that they don’t have to go through the inconvenience of ordering the product waiting for it to be delivered and then then immediately returning it because it does not meet their requirements.

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you could get a cheap google mini £29, and use sonos speaker as target to do what you want, that’s what i do with youtube music

thank you for replying on the substance of my complaint. I could do that I suppose. Maybe that is the answer to my problem. it does seem a bit clunky to me to have to daisy chain a Google Home to the Sonos, especially since the Sonos is designed to work with an iPhone.
