I have GROUP called Main that includes my:
1.TV ARC/L&R Play Ones/Sub in Family Room 2. Play One in Kitchen
When watching TV in Family Room with full TV audio playing I often say “Hey Sonos play on MAIN” while in earshot of the Kitchen Sonos 1. I’m finding that I must say “Hey Sonos switch to TV Mode” for the entire MAIN group to stop playing music and start playing the TV audio; for some reason it defaults to music on the “Play on Main” command. I finally discovered the “Switch to TV Mode” command here on the forum and thanks for that BUT:
Is there a way to make my DEFAULT audio to always be TV (vs Music) when I say “Hey Sonos play on Main” when the TV is already playing and I want to include the entire “MAIN” group with that same TV audio? BTW turning the TV off/on again will default to TV audio on MAIN group and incidentally “hey sonos stop” in the kitchen first causes the TV to go on mute with unmuting NOT flowing to TV audio in the group/kitchen; both less than desired intents.
Thanks in advance