Hi @kdubsea
Welcome to the Sonos Community!
Thanks for flagging this behaviour. I did a little bit of testing and found that although when speakers are not grouped, you can give Sonos Voice Control the command “set all speaker volumes to 20” and it works, but when the speakers are grouped together, this same command does not work. You do then have the option of setting the group volume, but this does not set the speakers in the group all to the same level. I am unsure if this is intended behaviour or not, so I have reported it - I’ll let you know when I know more. It doesn’t seem like an unreasonable thing to ask to work.
So, for now, I recommend commanding SVC to set the volumes to all be the same before you group the speakers together (or ungroup, set, then regroup). Note that you can group and ungroup with SVC commands too, so this can all be done without opening the Sonos app. Please also note that if the speakers all have the same volume level when they are grouped, adjusting the group volume with a command will raise or lower them all while maintaining the same levels. If a group is semi-permanent, therefore, you’d only need to do this once.
I hope this helps.
Thanks for the insight and help into this matter, Corry. That method did work, and I appreciate you reporting the behavior as saying a command three times (hey sonos… ungroup, hey sonos… set volume, hey sonos… group) for one action (or two if they’re already ungrouped) is bordering on tedium and probably the antithesis of voice commands in general. Suppose in theory you’d want to achieve a result with as little input or instruction as possible.
Still, a minor nitpick. Thanks again.
Hi @kdubsea
I understand - it’s not ideal.
This is just to report that we have opened a ticket for the Sonos Voice Control team to investigate this behaviour. I can’t give you any indication of how long it may take, I’m afraid.