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I was living in San Miguel de Tucumán. I recently moved to Yerba Buena. 

My ARC was in my bedroom. In my bedroom was a lamp that I turn on and off with a Google Home Mini. Both, Arc and light, where on the same Bedroom, so the order “Turn on the light”, just turn the correct bedroom light.

Now my Arc is in the living room on my new house. But when I ask the temperature, all my google devices answer with my new city temperature, but Arc answers with the previous city location. And when I ask “Turn on the light”, I get “I cannot find bedroom light”, even I place both, ARC and Lights, in a new room called Living.

I’m lost on where to change something so the Arc recognizes it’s in the living room.


Is the Arc in both Sonos and Google Home placed in the Living Room? Did you change your the city you live in in the Sonos app?