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Hello everyone,

We wanted to take a moment to address concerns regarding our new app that launched in May. At Sonos, delivering an exceptional experience is paramount to all that we do. Unfortunately, your experiences over the past several weeks have fallen short of our commitment to you.

Today, our CEO Patrick Spence published a letter that includes a detailed update on the progress we’ve been making and plans going forward. You can read the full letter here.

We sincerely appreciate your patience and continued support. We are working hard to earn back your trust and are more committed than ever to delivering a consistently great Sonos experience for everyone.

Thank you all for your patience,
Your Sonos Team


WHEN Can we CUSTOMERS use OUR products that we have BOUGHT from you???

Great letter but it has been 23 days and the app is still buggy and terrible experience on Android. What are your engineers doing? 

Great letter but it has been 23 days and the app is still buggy and terrible experience on Android. What are your engineers doing? 

Roll back to S2-version that worked before we all previous customers implode!!!

The software engineers & the management should be given their P45

The software engineers & the management should be given their P45


P45=the sack







The software engineers & the management should be given their P45

I do think there are bugs being introduced in some releases lately that shouldn't have made it to release but these people are in a difficult and pressured position now and I imagine are pretty much forced to release or sign off code they're really not happy with.  (The QA process appears to have taken a back seat if not quite thrown out of the window..)

Those decisions are obviously made by managers above them. How far up we go depends on one's point of view I suppose - but we're way past the bad decision to release the new App in the first place and sooooo many have been made since and are continuing to be made…

Often the book stops at the top but we don't know the internal politics in play.

A strange analogy recently posted was the actual head of the company (Patrick Spence) is like an important player in the team and not the actual coach or owner making key strategic decisions.  Yes, ridiculous…

The software engineers & the management should be given their P45


It's a piece of paperwork you get in the UK upon termination of employment….

The software engineers & the management should be given their P45

I do think there are bugs being introduced in some releases lately that shouldn't have made it to release but these people are in a difficult and pressured position now and I imagine are pretty much forced to release or sign off code they're really not happy with.  (The QA process appears to have taken a back seat if not quite thrown out of the window..)

Those decisions are obviously made by managers above them. How far up we go depends on one's point of view I suppose - but we're way past the bad decision to release the new App in the first place and sooooo many have been made since and are continuing to be made…

Often the book stops at the top but we don't know the internal politics in play.

A strange analogy recently posted was the actual head of the company (Patrick Spence) is like an important player in the team and not the actual coach or owner making key strategic decisions.  Yes, ridiculous…

The software engineers & the management should be given their P45


It's a piece of paperwork you get in the UK upon termination of employment….

QA??? Did you write QA???!!!!……..

WHERE is the QUALITY in ANY of these releases from May?????

These speakers cost hundreds of $€£ and the software is completely *

 *Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

These speakers cost hundreds of $€£ and the software is completely *

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

You are COMPLETELY RIGHT there!!!!

We can only live in hope 🙏 

We can only live in hope 🙏 

OR in a competitor product…….

Yeh definitely had thoughts about that đź‘Ť

Ahhh. Now I understands what QA means….. Quality Anyone?????? No…….

Just returned from holiday to see the update and the thread. SONOS has progressively worsened over the last 2-3 years to the point where I have difficulty playing anything through it. As I write, I can’t access content and one of my products is showing that I’m still listening to a radio show from 10am. No music is currently playing and it is now 9pm. Ultimately, I like the idea of SONOS but the app is awful and as soon as I’m in a position to, I will most likely bin it and move to a competitor. 

Making a statement and fixing the issues are totally different.  Put your money wihere your mouth is.   Still have tons of issues with new app.  Move2 is now powering off automatically.  When does the horrible customer experience end?

Oops, another tech pub adds another nail to the coffin. 

Making a statement and fixing the issues are totally different.  Put your money wihere your mouth is.   Still have tons of issues with new app.  Move2 is now powering off automatically.  When does the horrible customer experience end?

As has been mentioned extensively, updates are rolling out fortnightly. The next one is due early this coming week.

Oops, another tech pub adds another nail to the coffin. 


Nope, they’re just quoting the Verge’s nonsense article.

“It isn’t clear whether Sonos will actually let users switch to the previous app version or when such a capability will be available.” Well, that’ll be because it’s not actually happening.

@Rhonny cant wait.   Overdue but welcomed. 

@Rhonny cant wait.   Overdue but welcomed. 

Agreed. My system is largely fine (although the app couldn’t find my system for 30 mins this evening…) but I’m looking forward to all these frequent updates coming to a close, knowing the app just works like it’s meant to (with queue management and also playlist management back in place as my playlists could do with revamping - they’re a few months tired now…)

Get playlist working again and keep Move 2 from auto powering down would be good start.  Older Ones have been solid.   

@Rhonny cant wait.   Overdue but welcomed. 

Agreed. My system is largely fine (although the app couldn’t find my system for 30 mins this evening…)…

Come on, sort your network out……

Or use a non-Sonos App.

Or reboot everything again.

Or factory reset stuff again.

Generally, stuff you didn't need to do before the update, but, remember, the App is fiiiiiiiine, it's your network that has the problem, not the App!!!…..