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Hello everyone,

We wanted to take a moment to address concerns regarding our new app that launched in May. At Sonos, delivering an exceptional experience is paramount to all that we do. Unfortunately, your experiences over the past several weeks have fallen short of our commitment to you.

Today, our CEO Patrick Spence published a letter that includes a detailed update on the progress we’ve been making and plans going forward. You can read the full letter here.

We sincerely appreciate your patience and continued support. We are working hard to earn back your trust and are more committed than ever to delivering a consistently great Sonos experience for everyone.

Thank you all for your patience,
Your Sonos Team

Can't believe I've had more than 12 years of troublefree Sonos and the last 6 months just screwed up. Not just irritating - infuriating after all this investment in this hitherto beautiful system. Heads must roll!!!

The new app was released only 3 months ago so if you've had issues for 6 months you need to place the blame elsewhere.

It’s only been 3 months but feels like 6 at least. 

So, when is the next update is my question. The constant having to re-add my Move to the app is extremely frustrating, and not the best first Sonos user experience.  :(

I’m going to lean towards the time zone being set by the App updating the speakers behind the scenes. Could also do the time if they drift too far. Rather than a button on an admin web interface offering to sync the time from the local device, the app could just do it as the controller and speakers need to be in the same location.

Hi @sigh, I’m seeing each of my Sonos devices generate NTP requests to a trio of external servers. At least once per hour, which seems … excessive?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That’s nearly as chatty as my Devolo powerlines, they are updating every 30 minutes 😂 Although I don’t think they have a real time clock on them.

My Wireless AP is once every 6 hours

I can’t actually find any ntp requests from my 4 Sonos devices in the past 7 days and even switching internet update on/off in the System->Date/Time settings doesn’t appear to force it. 😂

Once a day there is a call to “” 

Giving the one within reach a kick caused it to update, wonder if it will keep updating regularly now 🤔

I belive the move used to stay powered on longer but now turns off immediately after undocked..they need to give you 5 min to select it...dissapears from available speakers too soon and too often. Regardless the app is still  broken...grayed out music selections making it unable to play unless you restart your android or ios device, delays when connecting to your system (unable to connect to your service message), unable to add speakers or switch between speakers without having having to end your current music selection (apply button does not work like it previously did), confusing interface...the wife hates it now...a major overhaul can't come soon enough.

I did notice in settings you can adjust the battery saver on the move...turned it off hoping it will discover the speaker sooner and more consistently.

Hi, I have been very happy with the Sonos products and bought many units over several years, the new app has totally ruined the otherwise good experience. It's unstable as hell. All devices cannot play at the same time. The sound fades and comes as the wind blows. Sometimes I am asked to add a device that has been installed for several years. What's going on! Everything is rebooted and updated and checked. The wifi connection is absolutely fine. The error is in the app. When can we expect you to deliver a proper product. I am so tired of having problems with that app

I've only just joined this “group” after having had Sonos for 13 years - thought that my problems with Sonos were my fault. Relieved to know it's a worldwide problem!! But that's little comfort - Sonos need to fix this NOW. 

 can’t actually find any ntp requests from my 4 Sonos devices in the past 7 days and even switching internet update on/off in the System->Date/Time settings doesn’t appear to force it. 😂

I’ve seen DNS queries for:


And multiple NTP queries to  above, during a device update.

I’m wondering if Sonos changed the ‘time’ on the NTP servers, and made it say +6 months ahead of what it is today, would that resolve some of the App issues some are experiencing?? 😂

Surely it needs to go back 6 months? 😉

Surely it needs to go back 6 months? 😉

If you want the same discussion in 6 months time, then yes. 😁

Why is this app so bad! It’s unusable. This is ridiculous for such an expensive system! Sort it out or give me a refund and I’ll shop somewhere else from now on!! 

Why is this app so bad! It’s unusable. This is ridiculous for such an expensive system! Sort it out or give me a refund and I’ll shop somewhere else from now on!! 

Welcome to all sonos-customers that are all having * up sonos-installations :-(

Money back and fire the CEO ASAP!!!

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*


Hey Mr. Spence & so called leadership team:

I’ve chatted with Best Buy reps, installers, and multiple friends and family who will never recommend or purchase your products again.  Sonos lied with the Ace roll-out, used deceptive marketing/advertisement/push campaigns, that basically hoodwinked most average users into falling for that pack of lies with this crap app (that should have been rolled out as S3 for the Bluetooth cans).  

Even a once stalwart supporter of Sonos - Wired magazine has just posted how awful the new app is! 

To paraphrase a friend who I had recommended an extensive whole-home Sonos system to last year:

“Look the app is basically a remote control for my music system.  Sonos stole my user-friend and familiar remote control and replaced it with one that barely functions, is hard to learn, not intuitive, and missing features that were PROMISED at roll-out! And now it’s going to take them 6+ months to fix it!” 

Like so many, they don’t have the time, energy, or desire to read the Ken et al: “mine is working great” posts here (even if they sometimes offer some solutions to get their once USEFUL remote control to work).

And while Q3 got a little revenue bump from the Ace cans, just wait till Sonos actually has to post all of the returns from wholesalers, retailers, e-sellers, and more.  They didn’t have to count those immediately, but they are coming in in record numbers for Sonos and they will have to be accounted for, this quarter.  I hope the investment community understands this as the last earnings call sure didn’t highlight that fact and blamed the delayed new products for the lower Q4 estimates. 

What are you clowns trying to do, sell of the company cheap next quarter so you can hop into your golden parachutes and go wreck another company??

Touches on a few points raised by some of the good folks here - those Aussies aren’t just good at breakdancing! 

In a slight detour off-topic

@press250 & @craigski my speakers seem too laid back to care about what time it is. Following the reboot of one, it contacted e0-3] during boot up, made 1 request about an hour later then nothing. This is the entire list of dns requests containing “sonostime” yesterday 😂🤣

They are also reluctant to accept some of my speakers have gone and will never return.

The network matrix shows one speaker expects 10 other speakers to be available rather than 3 😂

Touches on a few points raised by some of the good folks here - those Aussies aren’t just good at breakdancing! 

Resuming normal service…

Maybe I’ve just been in too many company financial presentations to staff, especially where company financial performance affects staff bonus, share options and more recently sharesave schemes, but I’m not convinced the wording means they will spend $20-30 million to fix things, which is the conclusion people seem to be jumping to.

From the transcript it makes a good soundbite that the company will spend $20-30 million

We expect these investments will come at a cost in the range of $20 to 30 million in the short term, but are necessary to right the ship for the long term.


I do wonder though, because to me “at a cost” “in the short term” doesn’t mean we will spend, it sounds more like a bit of number shuffling inflating that figure. Much of which could be recovered later, even though it will appear as a reduction in q4 figures.

Of the 3 items listed, the only one which involves a definite spending money is increasing the support team staffing.

Other things that could contribute to that cost to me are:

Delaying product launches.
The projected revenue and profit from new products now comes later. If projections were originally for pre-holiday but it will now be post-holiday there will be lost sales. Marketing budgets allocated and spent won’t be recovered short term and campaigns will need reorganising. Short term that has a cost, but once launched, the money will still come in if it is a successful product launch, just maybe without the holiday impulse purchases.

Having the Chief Innovation Officer switch his focus onto getting things fixed, will have a nominal cost impact that could be attributed against his current projects in the short term.

And so on. Sonos doesn’t need to actually spend that much money to get that figure, they can be notional costs attributed projects, existing budgets spent which won’t be recovered via revenue and profit in Q4 (short term?) but will be mostly recovered next year.

As I opened with, maybe I’ve just been in too many presentations where what appears to have been said isn’t what is actually said, but I highly doubt Sonos are going to be spending $20-30 million.


As I opened with, maybe I’ve just been in too many presentations where what appears to have been said isn’t what is actually said, but I highly doubt Sonos are going to be spending $20-30 million.

Quite, and there are many ways to add up things to make up such numbers.

What is significant though is that such a high number has been put out in an investor call. Perhaps for the first time this is a formal public acknowledgment by Sonos, and a mea culpa by Spence, that confirms beyond any doubt that the issue is not just restricted to a few here and Reddit, and is also not just another little glitch, but a major event that is affecting product roll outs and short term financial performance metrics. 

What this means for Sonos users presently afflicted, I can’t say.

Hi @sigh and @Kumar, referring to the earnings call transcript, Sonos reduced revenue guidance for the current quarter nearly 40% (!)  to $240-260M. They cited two factors: reduced sales of current products and delay of two yet-to-be-announced product, both attributed to the new app rollout. That revenue hit is much more significant than the ill-defined $20-30M in unanticipated costs.

Yes, but revenue hits are even harder to connect back to. For all you know, this frenzy to push Ace and the app out was to bolster this anticipated drop in sales. 

The problem for Sonos has been that there has been no real innovation since the first ground breaking one in 2004, and one can offer the same ice cream in only so many flavours. And, competition has now caught up and even surpassed them - except where it came to local library play that seems to be a shrinking market need now. And which even Sonos is trying its best to kill!

Indeed. I’m hopeful, now it has been said in an official and public call it has some potential benefits for both staff and users.

Potentially, internal tensions regarding what staff can or cannot publicly acknowledge will be reduced and more open responses can be made. Such as this

If, however, it is the app that appears unstable (missing speakers, can’t connect, or anything that works in the Desktop app but doesn’t in the main app) then you are probably right - things will improve with further updates.


No doubt there will also potentially be some damage limitation against the Q4 results. If there hasn’t already been an adjustment for q4 results, then now this figure has been said the stock market analysts shouldn’t hit the price as hard when the results come in.

How long it will take to get back on track is still the unknown.


No doubt there will also potentially be some damage limitation against the Q4 results. If there hasn’t already been an adjustment for q4 results, then now this figure has been said the stock market analysts shouldn’t hit the price as hard when the results come in.

How long it will take to get back on track is still the unknown.

Having seen corporate America at close quarters, this is classic CEO tactics to justify a disaster before it gets seen in the numbers, so that when those numbers turn up, harakiri isn't the only option left.

As to the second part, unfortunately true, that is still an unknown.

When looking at coming release notes the most important for me is missing, slowness. The app is extremely slow and nearly unusable. For now I have switched to the app SonoPhone where slowness is not a problem.

ok, but can i just have my money back tho?

i cant understand why u wouldn't just revert to the old app that worked perfectly fine until this one is ACTUALLY ready for rollout.. 

but i also don't understand anything about software.

what i do understand is that i invested >$1000 on speakers and y'all expect me to go MONTHS without some of the most rudimentary, fundamental volume adjustment!.. and playing sounds.

a roadmap that tells your customers 'well good luck turning down the volume for ~6 months.. that is if u have any luck playing music at all during that period' is an absolute joke.

i have 2× sonos play:1's, a sonos one, and a play:3.

i want my money back.

i want my money back.

You’d be better off asking Sonos directly. No-one can instigate a refund on here.

ok, but can i just have my money back tho?

i cant understand why u wouldn't just revert to the old app that worked perfectly fine until this one is ACTUALLY ready for rollout.. 

but i also don't understand anything about software.

what i do understand is that i invested >$1000 on speakers and y'all expect me to go MONTHS without some of the most rudimentary, fundamental volume adjustment!.. and playing sounds.

a roadmap that tells your customers 'well good luck turning down the volume for ~6 months.. that is if u have any luck playing music at all during that period' is an absolute joke.

i have 2× sonos play:1's, a sonos one, and a play:3.

i want my money back.

I suspect you may just get a refund on their Sonos App (which is free anyway) as the hardware purchased is the same hardware and I’m guessing the devices will happily play on compatible networks.

To contact Sonos direct, rather than post to the user community here, See this link:

Maybe let us know the outcome.