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Hello everyone,

We wanted to take a moment to address concerns regarding our new app that launched in May. At Sonos, delivering an exceptional experience is paramount to all that we do. Unfortunately, your experiences over the past several weeks have fallen short of our commitment to you.

Today, our CEO Patrick Spence published a letter that includes a detailed update on the progress we’ve been making and plans going forward. You can read the full letter here.

We sincerely appreciate your patience and continued support. We are working hard to earn back your trust and are more committed than ever to delivering a consistently great Sonos experience for everyone.

Thank you all for your patience,
Your Sonos Team

If you manually select Update All (because you want to control when updates are applied), All Apps are updated.

Thanks,  I’m not a huge Android user, but have always thought that the Apps on my tablet all auto-updated except the ones where I uncheck them in the Play store. Those unchecked Apps (I thought) had to then be manually updated? 

I do update all my apps automatically anyway, so I’ve never tested these things.

There are multiple scenarios of how the auto update works. In general:

Default - Any app you install will be automatically updated in the background after a new version is made available in the play store. This doesn’t mean an immediate as soon as available update occurs though. There are variable timing algorithms, WiFi vs Mobile connection and other variables, so there is often a period where a new version is available in the play store but not installed on the phone/tablet yet. Left alone the apps will eventually update and unless an app also performs a self check, it happens without the user noticing.

Disable Auto-Update for a specific app - the default behaviour above excludes the app and it requires the user to request an update. This can happen in one of two ways

  1. The user requests an update on each specific app excluded, so only that app has an update performed
  2. Multiple apps are listed as needing updates, the user selects the manual Update All button rather than go through each individually, which then acts as a shortcut for the manual per app request and upgrades all apps listed that have newer versions available.

Disable all auto-update - User will need to regularly go into the play store and update all the apps manually. As above this can be an individual app at a time or even more likely, after skimming the list of apps, the manual Update All used.

If Patrick Spence actually cared they wouldn’t keep drip feeding functionality. They would roll back to a previous known working version until a fully functioning update is available

The message says “we hear you” but the actions say “we’re ignoring you and going to carry on regardless with whatever ridiculous plan we had in the first place”

I don’t think they can and protect headphone sales which were the driver for this crappy app. The old app won’t support their new products which is how we all ended up with this rubbish.

Do you allow your developers to write “Something went wrong” error messages?
Just curious… :)


Depends on the error.

If Patrick Spence actually cared they wouldn’t keep drip feeding functionality. They would roll back to a previous known working version until a fully functioning update is available

The message says “we hear you” but the actions say “we’re ignoring you and going to carry on regardless with whatever ridiculous plan we had in the first place”

I don’t think they can and protect headphone sales which were the driver for this crappy app. The old app won’t support their new products which is how we all ended up with this rubbish.

I thought the headphones were Bluetooth only and won’t connect to wifi. As far as I’m concerned they are not really a Sonos product same as roam. They are just like a.n.y.other companies offerings

It’s just another letter. We’ve seen this before (S1/S2).

I believe the customers are the greatest marketing tool for Sonos. I used to brag and show off my Sonos equipment. Now I do not. I think most Sonos customers are leery of even buying any new Sonos equipment. I don’t think Sonos is as special and unique as it once was. It certainly does not excel in the customer service department.

Imagine having the coolest, fastest, most high tech car in your garage. When people came over they’d get the tour and the test drive, and they’d love it. Now imagine that overnight, without warning, a large portion of the bells and whistles and tech on that car were removed by the manufacturer and it only started up half the time, and when it did start up the ride was clunky and unreliable… but months later the manufacturer is telling you to trust them, it will all come back someday. Considering that the manufacturer remotely controls your everyday functionality and the overall reliability of that car, are you still showing it off? Would you even recommend that car?

Can’t sonos harness AI to solve alot of user issues, there are so many variables, legacy stuff, routers, ethernet, S1 , S2, new app etc etc  that one support guy can never know them all, but it’s all logic and once in AI we all get best proven answer straight away...maybe



I thought the headphones were Bluetooth only and won’t connect to wifi. As far as I’m concerned they are not really a Sonos product same as roam. They are just like a.n.y.other companies offerings

Sonos have introduced many new devices in simple point software upgrades, I assume they went all in and only coded support for ACE in the new App (which was also broken).  Actually, the latest release seems to have stopped adjusting the newish Sub Mini, I wonder how long it will take to add that back and where it will be in the backlog.  In fact, despite defending the code team etc. in the past, and I absolutely know they'll be working their socks off, there are bugs being introduced in new updates that really shouldn't be.

It's a disaster for Sonos and I feel the numbers will reflect it in the next financials.

There's probably little to stop Sonos releasing a parallel App (16.1...) for users without ACE at least.

Theres no other way to look at it really that the vast majority of users have gone backwards in the last couple of months (including those with working systems as they're still waiting for the restoration of some functions) and for many this is unforgivable.  And even for those users, they're expected to wait more months to be able to do things they could do in early May….

Case studies galore in the future this debacle.

If Patrick Spence actually cared they wouldn’t keep drip feeding functionality. They would roll back to a previous known working version until a fully functioning update is available

The message says “we hear you” but the actions say “we’re ignoring you and going to carry on regardless with whatever ridiculous plan we had in the first place”

I don’t think they can and protect headphone sales which were the driver for this crappy app. The old app won’t support their new products which is how we all ended up with this rubbish.

I thought the headphones were Bluetooth only and won’t connect to wifi. As far as I’m concerned they are not really a Sonos product same as roam. They are just like a.n.y.other companies offerings

The USP of the headphones from what I can see, is the Spatial Audio between the sound bar and the headphones.

While any headphones can be used for Spatial Audio, you usually need to connect them to the source device that can mix multi channel to 2 channel spatial. So when gaming, connect them to the PC/Console, when streaming content connect them to the streaming player (if it supports it) etc. With the Sonos headphones the sources just send multi channel audio and the sound bar converts it to Spatial Audio for the headphones. No additional licenses such as Dolby Atmos for headphones on PCs, specific source hardware combinations, Apple TV + Apple headphones are required.

Outside of that they’re expensive Bluetooth capable headphones imo and depending on individual requirements may not be suitable anyway. I rarely use headphones but when I do I want an inbuilt mic for gaming so want headphones connected to the source device anyway. One of my parents sometimes wants to wear headphones while the other doesn’t watching the same program, depending on the audio mix. The tv-swap wouldn’t work for them as it silences the sound bar.

Everyone has different requirements and I can see a benefit of the soundbar to headphone Spatial Audio for headphone users, but personally I have no need or interest in them.

Do you allow your developers to write “Something went wrong” error messages?
Just curious… :)


Depends on the error.

Isn't this the 9th deadly sin?

Isn't this the 9th deadly sin?


Drop it.  I was trying for a lighthearted comment in a sea of toxicity.  If you can’t handle that, that’s on you.

New update 16.3.1 (build 80155240) fixed everything for my system including browsing. 

I registered for this community just to post my reply to this letter that I sent to an inbox that will never be read.  This is my letter.


Your apology letter is insincere and rings of deceit.  If you really wanted to help your customers not experience all these problems the fix is simple.


Rollback to the old working application and take this pre-alpha test application back into QA testing.  


You have lost a customer with your fake apology.  A sincere apology would come with a solution instead of promises that you have proven you can't or won't fulfill.




A customer lost.

Hello everyone,

We wanted to take a moment to address concerns regarding our new app that launched in May. At Sonos, delivering an exceptional experience is paramount to all that we do. Unfortunately, your experiences over the past several weeks have fallen short of our commitment to you.

Today, our CEO Patrick Spence published a letter that includes a detailed update on the progress we’ve been making and plans going forward. You can read the full letter here.

We sincerely appreciate your patience and continued support. We are working hard to earn back your trust and are more committed than ever to delivering a consistently great Sonos experience for everyone.

Thank you all for your patience,
Your Sonos Team

Mr. Spence,

I appreciate your apology letter, but it shouldn’t have taken this long to react and respond ?. This has been going on since May. As CEO, it is up to you to keep your customers and shareholders satisfied. As each update seems to fix one thing, it has also created 10 more issues. Who is minding the store at Sonos ?. I have too much money invested in this to just jump overboard, but how I proceed going forward is still up in the air. Because this has been such a mess for so many people, I would’ve directed your team to give “daily” community updates on the progress to all the needed fixes. That in itself would’ve shown your customers that Sonos really cared about their end users, and might’ve helped with a lot of the backlash now happening. Unfortunately, as much as I am looking forward to the next update/fix, I am also a bit worried too as to what will happen next.

Thank you.

I will give credit when it is due, and after today’s update….it is due. As much as all of this has frustrated me over the last 3 months, Sonos has as of today fixed all my issues, so I have zero reason to complain anymore. Thank you for this fix..

I don't know where to start!!! I've been working with IT for over 30 years but never have I been forced to use so badly written software. This new application should never have been released, not to the public at least. I have done alpha, beta, release tests many times but after spending 1000s of dollars on Sonos products and now i can't even use them, I'm pissed off, really pissed off. Now after the latest update, both firmware and app it's not even possible to start the app. Reinstalled, removed my new Ace headphones, nothing workes.!!!! This is really * up. Fix this ASAP and never again release this kind of * thing. Take this back to the developer's and don't stop work before it works. 

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

I quote from Patrick Spence...

We plan to continue releasing new software updates on a bi-weekly cadence. With each release, we will share detailed notes on what we’ve addressed and what we’re working on next in our Community.

It may be a timing issue but firmware update 16.3.1 is out but I cannot see any any release notes for that version at this time.


I quote from Patrick Spence...

We plan to continue releasing new software updates on a bi-weekly cadence. With each release, we will share detailed notes on what we’ve addressed and what we’re working on next in our Community.

It may be a timing issue but firmware update 16.3.1 is out but I cannot see any any release notes for that version at this time.


Firmware update has broken what is displayed on the queue even in the pc version of the controller if using music library. Only shows file name now not title and artist. Useless. Was limping along with pc in shed while iOS in house broken beyond repair

I quote from Patrick Spence...

We plan to continue releasing new software updates on a bi-weekly cadence. With each release, we will share detailed notes on what we’ve addressed and what we’re working on next in our Community.

It may be a timing issue but firmware update 16.3.1 is out but I cannot see any any release notes for that version at this time.


Firmware update has broken what is displayed on the queue even in the pc version of the controller if using music library. Only shows file name now not title and artist. Useless. Was limping along with pc in shed while iOS in house broken beyond repair


Mine shows title and artist except for the songs that I don’t have an artist listed of course. 

I quote from Patrick Spence...

We plan to continue releasing new software updates on a bi-weekly cadence. With each release, we will share detailed notes on what we’ve addressed and what we’re working on next in our Community.

It may be a timing issue but firmware update 16.3.1 is out but I cannot see any any release notes for that version at this time.


Firmware update has broken what is displayed on the queue even in the pc version of the controller if using music library. Only shows file name now not title and artist. Useless. Was limping along with pc in shed while iOS in house broken beyond repair


Mine shows title and artist except for the songs that I don’t have an artist listed of course. 

Whoops, my bad. Last app update without firmware update broke it. Have now done firmware to 16.1.1 and it works. Music library search is still broken and I still can’t add more than 1 album to the queue but something’s better than nothing I suppose

Hello everyone,

We wanted to take a moment to address concerns regarding our new app that launched in May. At Sonos, delivering an exceptional experience is paramount to all that we do. Unfortunately, your experiences over the past several weeks have fallen short of our commitment to you.

Today, our CEO Patrick Spence published a letter that includes a detailed update on the progress we’ve been making and plans going forward. You can read the full letter here.

We sincerely appreciate your patience and continued support. We are working hard to earn back your trust and are more committed than ever to delivering a consistently great Sonos experience for everyone.

Thank you all for your patience,
Your Sonos Team

Kindly bring back SMB1 support please. This new update has ruined the entire Sonos experience. Keep SMB2 also. 

It’s just another letter. We’ve seen this before (S1/S2).

I believe the customers are the greatest marketing tool for Sonos. I used to brag and show off my Sonos equipment.

This is how I got into Sonos, at a friend's place for a dinner party, he fired up Sonos, and after dinner the party was a lot of fun, going through his playlists/library. I fell in love with Sonos that night.

Roll forward 10 years, and cant say I would have the same experience, nor could I show off my system to those friends that would be potential buyers.

Dear Sonos


It’s clear that the new app is not ready for general use.

Could the next CEO update letter say something like:

We believe that we should treat our customers fairly, this informal global UAT is over. The old version of the app is now available for all. Ongoing UAT of our new “super” app will continue via a dedicated tester group. Apply if you would like to join. Sorry again for the hassle.



This explains why my alarm woke me up with a Sonos chime rather than Radio 2 again...

Went away for a long weekend, came home on the Monday to a SonoS chime annoying the bejesus out of our two moggies …. unbelievable that it would continue making that sound for over 3 days. Still not clear on why it does it either!

Its sounding like a broken record!  Sonos should allow the old app to be accessible until the new app is ready without so many issues.  Its been a real pain using the new app with less abilities, more confusion, and most of all a delay almost every time.  I was on hold for almost an hour (although the recording said 20 min) bullcrap!  Nothing has made a difference.  I just suggested Sonos to another friend several months ago and just last night he told me how bad it was and how he made a mistake!   Pretty bad press. Unfortunately for me I’m invested with many of your products!   Give us the old app back before you continue to lose your customer base!  

I quote from Patrick Spence...

We plan to continue releasing new software updates on a bi-weekly cadence. With each release, we will share detailed notes on what we’ve addressed and what we’re working on next in our Community.

It may be a timing issue but firmware update 16.3.1 is out but I cannot see any release notes for that version at this time.


Thank you for now updating the release notes with the latest firmware changes.

I have just downloaded the latest app update 80.05.05 for IOS but has not helped me to find and access my speakers - Roam 2 & Beam Gen 2. If I cannot see my hardware how do I update the firmware ?. All worked well pre-May 24 but now I am sick of seeing “No products found” when both me and the app know that they are on my network !!!.