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New Sonos App Update!

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New Sonos App Update!

Yesterday we released a new update to both iOS and Android.


The update has the following version numbers:


80.02.05 (Android)

80.02.04 (iOS)


Please note that you may need to check for updates in the App Store in order to update during the first few days of the release.


With this update we've added or improved some of the following features you all have been asking about:


  • Mute button (on iOS)

  • Play Next & Add to End of Queue

  • Sleep timers

  • Improved local library connectivity

  • Improved Trueplay setup (on iOS)

  • Added distance settings for surrounds

  • Ability to update older firmware systems


Check out the full release notes here.


We've still got a road ahead of us and here is what’s coming soon:


  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June

  • Playback controls including mute and volume numbers: June

  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June

  • Improved playback settings including Play Now: July

  • Create and edit local music library: July

  • Improved Autoplay settings: July

  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp: July

  • Snooze alarms: TBD


We appreciate your continued patience.



Update 17 June 2024:



Today we release another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:


80.03.06 - iOS
80.03.03 - Android


This update brings a number of fixes and additions that you've been asking for.

In this update:

  • Introduced mute button on Android.

  • Added numerical values to the volume and group-volume sliders.

  • Updated the volume icon to reflect the volume level on iOS.

  • Added stereo or mono configuration for Amp/Port output on iOS.

  • Improved TalkBack screen reader support for volume sliders on Android.

  • Added support for SonosNet channel selection on iOS.

  • Expanded support for service reauthorization on Android.


Check out the full release notes here.



Update 1 July 2024:


Today we released another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:

 80.04.04 - iOS
80.04.04 - Android


This update brings a number of fixes and additions that you've been asking for.

Check out the full release notes here.

In this update:

  • Added multi-product setup for professional installers for iOS
  • Improved accessibility for configuring alarms with VoiceOver and Talkback
  • Added autoplay setting for analog devices using line-in for Android
  • Added support for SonosNet channel selection for Android
  • Added timezone settings for iOS
  • Added the option to forget a system in order to connect to or create a new system for iOS
  • Improved notification for player firmware updates on Android



Update 18 July 2024:


Today we released another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:


80.05.01 (Android)

80.05.01 (iOS)


Please note that you may need to check for updates in the App Store in order to update during the first few days of the release.


With this update we've added or improved some of the following features you all have been asking about:

  • Added setup, configuration, and search for local Music Library
  • Improved account settings for Sonos Pro subscribers
  • Improved line-in autoplay and compression settings
  • Improved accessibility in Settings
  • Improved notification for player firmware updates 
  • Updated the volume icon to reflect the volume level
  • Amp/Port can be configured for Stereo or Mono output in Android
  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp


Check out the full release notes here.


We've still got a road ahead of us and here is what’s coming soon:

  • Playlist editing
  • Downgrade from S2 to S1
  • Persistence of offline devices 
  • Additional configuration settings



A few notes about Local Music Library Functionality


Fixes for all of the following issues will be addressed in future updates. 

We appreciate your patience!


  • After adding/removing a share, there can be a delay during reindexing where it’s not clear that Music Library indexing is happening, and some leftover elements of a removed share can still show up during reindexing. Be patient - it is in fact, still indexing. 
  • Music Library Search is not accessible in the controller without access to the Internet.
  • Local Music Library will not work for alarms.


Additional things to consider specifically on Android:


  • The “More” menu, Play Now and Play Next options may fail with "something went wrong" for local library content. Local Music Library albums are also currently unable to be favorited. 
  • - When a new library share is added, it doesn't appear in the music library settings page. The share does appear if you dive into Music Library > Folders. It may appear if the share disappears after closing/reopening the app, but the share is successfully added.

Things to consider specifically on iOS: 


  • No album art of Albums in Sonos Favorites


Update 6 August 2024:


Today we released another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:


80.06.04 (Android)

80.06.03 (iOS)


Please note that you may need to check for updates in the App Store in order to update during the first few days of the release.


With this update we've added or improved some of the following features you all have been asking about:

In this update:

  • Introduced TV Audio swap for Sonos Ace from Arc, Beam, Beam 2, and Ray on Android
  • Added TV Audio swap for Sonos Ace from Beam, Beam 2, and Ray on iOS
  • Added S2 to S1 downgrade tool 
  • Improved smoothness and reduced latency for Group Volume controls on iOS
  • Added mute buttons for individual products in Group Volume controls
  • Added Group Volume controls from the Now Playing screen on iOS
  • Added the ability to clear the queue on iOS
  • Improved performance for large queues on iOS
  • Added the ability to “forget system” on Android
  • Improved reliability for speech enhancement and night mode settings on iOS
  • Improved reliability when starting playback from a playlist on Android


Check out the full release notes here.



Update 27 August 2024:



Today we release another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:


80.07.03 - iOS
80.07.05 - Android


This update brings a number of fixes and additions that you've been asking for.

In this update:

  • Accessibility improvements in Settings
  • Improved smoothness and reliability for product setup
  • Added the ability to clear the queue on Android
  • Added Night Sound toggle in Room Settings for sound bars


Check out the full release notes here.

Well aren’t you the lucky one.  Seems that this is not the case for many prople on the forums.  No local library I see.

There are certainly others in the community here with the new App working and some of our family and friends are using it too. The only complaint I’ve seen from some, is that it seems slower than the S2 App in some areas, but it’s working to play music etc. If you are having trouble to get it working, I would pick up the phone and give Sonos a call and just see if they can perhaps assist you to get it working with your system. Again here’s the link to maybe do that:


I’ve got it ‘working,’ more or less. Each time I open the app on my tablet, I do so with trepidation. Odd things happen… it may freeze when I try to search for music in linked streaming services. It may tell me ‘no music’ moments after I’ve seen a queue ready to go.

Of course there are still functions that have just gone missing that I’m resigned to living without, like the ability to add and subtract tracks from a Sonos playlist and resave the edited list. The ‘recent searches’ list is the same as it was a month ago, reflecting no ‘recent’ searches at all. ‘Recently played’ still says ‘cannot load’ or ‘will display when you’ve played content.’

And of course if I did not have Phonos+ in play, my Sonos playlists would remain beyond reach out there in the ozone.

All told, it remains a massive collection of quirks, bugs and fails, saved only by a 99 cent 3rd party patch and my resolve to take what little I can get.

I keep waiting for a sign from Sonos that there’s a fully developed, operational app I can download. Until then, I’m not going to waste time and money buying new network hardware, spending hours on the line with support doing ‘troubleshooting,’ and so on. I understand others may find that useful, even gratifying… in my view it should be completely unnecessary if the product simply worked as advertised.

There seem to be more recent updates I have not implemented… but based on what I see in the Community, those have not addressed my concerns, might make matters worse and are ‘a must to avoid.’

Hopefully the day will come when Sonos can honestly announce that the development process is finished; the controller app for iOS is no longer a work in progress; and we’ll know what features Sonos intends to provide and what it intends to eliminate - or offer only for a fee.

In the meantime, unless I’m missing something there has been very little communication coming from Sonos management, leaving all of us to wonder where this is headed and when it will get there. 

Which, as Ulmo says, is ‘unacceptable.’


Sonos App Re-design being informed by feedback. How to do that?


I have a large local library stored on my computer. The 22 July app version finally allows adding that music via a shared folder added as a NAS. But that causes whole new headaches:

  1. Sonos has the presumed 65k track limit; my music folder exceeds that. And when I initially purchased Sonos several years ago, I’d had to create a whole new system of organization and sub-folders so that I could add to Sonos the music I most wanted to listen to. Not to mention the many months spent changing metadata and file/folder names to get anywhere near the 65k theoretical limit.
  2. It is impractical both for the integrity of my music library, as well as other applications I use, to not only further subdivide up my library but now to split whole portions of it from the main Music folder.
  3. Maybe there’s a solution already available or a solution forthcoming in a subsequent release of the app. But how would one know. The information and communication has been scant and inaccurate at times. Further, customer service seems to have fallen from the celebrated Sonos of yesteryear. Even when I messaged with a question I had about a product I was contemplating purchasing (Port), I received an automated email beginning “Due to the unforeseen circumstances, responses may be slightly delayed.” That was 5 weeks ago.






The whole set-up is going to pot.  I now can’t get any connection from any device to the Port and the last update , which changed the I phone interface, has led to chronic unreliability .   And then you are told you will have to wait 70 minutes on the phone.

The whole set-up is going to pot.  I now can’t get any connection from any device to the Port and the last update , which changed the I phone interface, has led to chronic unreliability .   And then you are told you will have to wait 70 minutes on the phone.

The Sonos Port should be working, it’s working okay here. What have tried so far? Is both the App and ‘Port’s’ firmware up-to-date? Have you tried it wired to the LAN?


Yesterday we released a new update to both iOS and Android.


The update has the following version numbers:


80.02.05 (Android)

80.02.04 (iOS)


Please note that you may need to check for updates in the App Store in order to update during the first few days of the release.


With this update we've added or improved some of the following features you all have been asking about:


  • Mute button (on iOS)

  • Play Next & Add to End of Queue

  • Sleep timers

  • Improved local library connectivity

  • Improved Trueplay setup (on iOS)

  • Added distance settings for surrounds

  • Ability to update older firmware systems


Check out the full release notes here.


We've still got a road ahead of us and here is what’s coming soon:


  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June

  • Playback controls including mute and volume numbers: June

  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June

  • Improved playback settings including Play Now: July

  • Create and edit local music library: July

  • Improved Autoplay settings: July

  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp: July

  • Snooze alarms: TBD


We appreciate your continued patience.


Update 17 June 2024:



Today we release another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:


80.03.06 - iOS
80.03.03 - Android


This update brings a number of fixes and additions that you've been asking for.

In this update:

  • Introduced mute button on Android.

  • Added numerical values to the volume and group-volume sliders.

  • Updated the volume icon to reflect the volume level on iOS.

  • Added stereo or mono configuration for Amp/Port output on iOS.

  • Improved TalkBack screen reader support for volume sliders on Android.

  • Added support for SonosNet channel selection on iOS.

  • Expanded support for service reauthorization on Android.


Check out the full release notes here.


Update 1 July 2024:


Today we released another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:

 80.04.04 - iOS
80.04.04 - Android


This update brings a number of fixes and additions that you've been asking for.

Check out the full release notes here.

In this update:

  • Added multi-product setup for professional installers for iOS
  • Improved accessibility for configuring alarms with VoiceOver and Talkback
  • Added autoplay setting for analog devices using line-in for Android
  • Added support for SonosNet channel selection for Android
  • Added timezone settings for iOS
  • Added the option to forget a system in order to connect to or create a new system for iOS
  • Improved notification for player firmware updates on Android



Update 18 July 2024:


Today we released another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:


80.05.01 (Android)

80.05.01 (iOS)


Please note that you may need to check for updates in the App Store in order to update during the first few days of the release.


With this update we've added or improved some of the following features you all have been asking about:

  • Added setup, configuration, and search for local Music Library
  • Improved account settings for Sonos Pro subscribers
  • Improved line-in autoplay and compression settings
  • Improved accessibility in Settings
  • Improved notification for player firmware updates 
  • Updated the volume icon to reflect the volume level
  • Amp/Port can be configured for Stereo or Mono output in Android
  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp


Check out the full release notes here.


We've still got a road ahead of us and here is what’s coming soon:

  • Playlist editing
  • Downgrade from S2 to S1
  • Persistence of offline devices 
  • Additional configuration settings



A few notes about Local Music Library Functionality


Fixes for all of the following issues will be addressed in future updates. 

We appreciate your patience!


  • After adding/removing a share, there can be a delay during reindexing where it’s not clear that Music Library indexing is happening, and some leftover elements of a removed share can still show up during reindexing. Be patient - it is in fact, still indexing. 
  • Music Library Search is not accessible in the controller without access to the Internet.
  • Local Music Library will not work for alarms.


Additional things to consider specifically on Android:


  • The “More” menu, Play Now and Play Next options may fail with "something went wrong" for local library content. Local Music Library albums are also currently unable to be favorited. 
  • - When a new library share is added, it doesn't appear in the music library settings page. The share does appear if you dive into Music Library > Folders. It may appear if the share disappears after closing/reopening the app, but the share is successfully added.

Things to consider specifically on iOS: 


  • No album art of Albums in Sonos Favorites

I’m just a bit confused about the muddled messaging that continues. For instance, the 22 July app is stated to have “Improved local library connectivity”. Improved? From when it was removed? Improved from the version(s) that existed the past decade until 2 months ago. And making us treat it as a single shared folder treated as a NAS on a local computer, is not an improvement for me in the least. Is it going to be “improved” further so that I can actually play my local files as I had been up until this whole app “improvement” and “enhancement”. Tbh, it’s frustrating and disappointing and I’m left in the dark about what is really going on or planned. Is this just wordplay and obfuscation to mollify customers while  Sonos tries to figure out on the fly what the app is to be. If not: Why has it not been clearly laid out in specific language what features and functionalitiy the new Sonos app is going to have. Sonos’ doesn’t know what is actually planned. It’s absurd and it’s truly unacceptable all around.

Thank you for posting, Serinemio!  I just installed the app on my S22 for the fifth time since its crashing crisis and now it works again.  I hope it lasts.  If it does, I will revisit my downgraded rating on the Play Store.

And thank you, Community, for making this networking possible!

I guess I also owe thanks to MarcoB for providing Sonos’ voice.  (It would be nice if this were done in a more orderly fashion, if that’s possible.)

To Sonos Staff,

Will locally stored music (on the same computer/device as the Sonos app) be brought back in a future controller app version (as it was before these new versions the past several months)? That is: under Music Library Settings, the selection of individual music folders (plural) that may be added to Sonos. A NAS configuration is not the same and is more problem than solution.

I would appreciate a candid direct answer to my question from Sonos since I’m compelled to bring this up again due to inaccurate information and unfulfilled promises or goals continuously posted by Sonos regarding local library support (for instance, that it not only exists but it’s improved).

To Sonos Staff,

Will locally stored music (on the same computer/device as the Sonos app) be brought back in a future controller app version (as it was before these new versions the past several months)? That is: under Music Library Settings, the selection of individual music folders (plural) that may be added to Sonos. A NAS configuration is not the same and is more problem than solution.

I would appreciate a candid direct answer to my question from Sonos since I’m compelled to bring this up again due to inaccurate information and unfulfilled promises or goals continuously posted by Sonos regarding local library support (for instance, that it not only exists but it’s improved).

Perhaps see this valid Sonos Support Link:

To Sonos Staff,

Will locally stored music (on the same computer/device as the Sonos app) be brought back in a future controller app version (as it was before these new versions the past several months)? That is: under Music Library Settings, the selection of individual music folders (plural) that may be added to Sonos. A NAS configuration is not the same and is more problem than solution.

I would appreciate a candid direct answer to my question from Sonos since I’m compelled to bring this up again due to inaccurate information and unfulfilled promises or goals continuously posted by Sonos regarding local library support (for instance, that it not only exists but it’s improved).

Perhaps see this valid Sonos Support Link:

Thank you but that’s the whole NAS / Shared folder “feature” (“workaround” imo) that complicates the issue of playing locally stored music on the same device as the controller. It’s not the solution it appears to be for at least some Sonos users like myself.



To Sonos Staff,

Will locally stored music (on the same computer/device as the Sonos app) be brought back in a future controller app version (as it was before these new versions the past several months)? That is: under Music Library Settings, the selection of individual music folders (plural) that may be added to Sonos. A NAS configuration is not the same and is more problem than solution.

I would appreciate a candid direct answer to my question from Sonos since I’m compelled to bring this up again due to inaccurate information and unfulfilled promises or goals continuously posted by Sonos regarding local library support (for instance, that it not only exists but it’s improved).

Perhaps see this valid Sonos Support Link:

Thank you but that’s the whole NAS / Shared folder “feature” (“workaround” imo) that complicates the issue of playing locally stored music on the same device as the controller. It’s not the solution it appears to be for at least some Sonos users like myself.

You mentioned “on the same computer” in your initial post - that support link in my reply, does detail both Windows PC and MacOS computer library shares, aswell as using a NAS library share with Sonos.

(Apologies, posting this on a number of threads, for reach.)

There is a new SONOS APP UPDATE just gone live - for iOS it’s version 80.05.05 (not sure if there is an update for Android as the release notes are yet to go live).

iOS App Store says:

  • Improves stability when adding new products
  • Addresses excess battery usage.

We did it, fam!

Posting here too for reach and reference - today’s app release notes, and notes too from last week’s firmware update (including volume change responsiveness):


80.05.07 (Android)
80.05.05 (iOS)

Release date: 7/31/2024


In this update:

  • Improves stability when adding new products
  • Addresses an issue where the app used excess phone battery

We’ve also released firmware version 80.1-55172 for Sonos products which contains the following changes:

  • Improves responsiveness of volume changes
  • Improves time to add a new song to the queue in certain conditions
  • Addresses an issue with local library browsing timing out



To Sonos Staff,

Will locally stored music (on the same computer/device as the Sonos app) be brought back in a future controller app version (as it was before these new versions the past several months)? That is: under Music Library Settings, the selection of individual music folders (plural) that may be added to Sonos. A NAS configuration is not the same and is more problem than solution.

I would appreciate a candid direct answer to my question from Sonos since I’m compelled to bring this up again due to inaccurate information and unfulfilled promises or goals continuously posted by Sonos regarding local library support (for instance, that it not only exists but it’s improved).

Perhaps see this valid Sonos Support Link:

Thank you but that’s the whole NAS / Shared folder “feature” (“workaround” imo) that complicates the issue of playing locally stored music on the same device as the controller. It’s not the solution it appears to be for at least some Sonos users like myself.

You mentioned “on the same computer” in your initial post - that support link in my reply, does detail both Windows PC and MacOS computer library shares, aswell as using a NAS library share with Sonos.

I have a music folder structure that I created years ago for the Sonos system so that I could select the 3-4 major subfolders that I wanted to add to Sonos (I don’t want the entire Music folder added to Sonos). If I can create several shares on my local computer so that I can the select 3-4 music subfolders I want to add to Sonos, then I’m set. If not, I’d have to separate out whole sub-sections of the music folder, ruining it’s logical structure/integrity and causing problems for other programs I use with the Music folder. As suggested previously, the Plex Media Server may be the best solution in my case.  But it’s a steep learning curve for me, requiring time, & possibly expense. But I I know there’s help and guides both here & on Plex if I do it.


oSorry: it looks like I made a mistake in how I tried to reply to the thread as it’s separated off from it. I don’t know how to fix or delete this....It surely doesn’t bode well for when I possibly try to configure a music media network server.]



The app is still as slow as right after the update. But since the last update I keep losing my settings of the EQ and others. True play keeps crashing and the sound of my system well let’s say it sounds a lot lesser like a cheaper set. Lost the full sound while using Dolby Atmos from Netflix of from audio from apple. !!! What the hell !! 
also the settings of my surround boxes are gone (have 2 Era 300 with an arc en sub ) 

because of the enormous problems and the way Sonos * over it’s users I will definitely not buy anymore Sonos products. And the headphone ? Well since that thing was released where all * !
For listening music I already stopped using Sonos!!!! 

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

To Sonos Staff,

Will locally stored music (on the same computer/device as the Sonos app) be brought back in a future controller app version (as it was before these new versions the past several months)? That is: under Music Library Settings, the selection of individual music folders (plural) that may be added to Sonos. A NAS configuration is not the same and is more problem than solution.

I would appreciate a candid direct answer to my question from Sonos since I’m compelled to bring this up again due to inaccurate information and unfulfilled promises or goals continuously posted by Sonos regarding local library support (for instance, that it not only exists but it’s improved).

Perhaps see this valid Sonos Support Link:

I’ve tried the NAS workaround and it hasn’t worked at all. I cannot add my music to my desktop (Mac). I cannot play anything from the mobile app (iPhone, iPad). I have not been able to play any of my own music since May. The one and only workaround is that I can connect to one speaker at a time by bluetooth, and play directly from Apple Music. Not acceptable. The one fundamental promise Sonos made was ease of use. Having owned Sonos for over a decade, with thousands of dollars of equipment, they have rendered my system useless, unless I want to listen to Sonos radio exclusively. I really appreciate the help you’re trying to offer, but these workarounds just are not working for a number of users. There are so many other bugs with those who can actually use their system. All of this so that they could support their new headphones. 

To Sonos Staff,

Will locally stored music (on the same computer/device as the Sonos app) be brought back in a future controller app version (as it was before these new versions the past several months)? That is: under Music Library Settings, the selection of individual music folders (plural) that may be added to Sonos. A NAS configuration is not the same and is more problem than solution.

I would appreciate a candid direct answer to my question from Sonos since I’m compelled to bring this up again due to inaccurate information and unfulfilled promises or goals continuously posted by Sonos regarding local library support (for instance, that it not only exists but it’s improved).

Perhaps see this valid Sonos Support Link:

I’ve tried the NAS workaround and it hasn’t worked at all. I cannot add my music to my desktop (Mac). I cannot play anything from the mobile app (iPhone, iPad). I have not been able to play any of my own music since May. The one and only workaround is that I can connect to one speaker at a time by bluetooth, and play directly from Apple Music. Not acceptable. The one fundamental promise Sonos made was ease of use. Having owned Sonos for over a decade, with thousands of dollars of equipment, they have rendered my system useless, unless I want to listen to Sonos radio exclusively. I really appreciate the help you’re trying to offer, but these workarounds just are not working for a number of users. There are so many other bugs with those who can actually use their system. All of this so that they could support their new headphones. 

If not tried already, perhaps give Sonos Support a call. Here is their link:

Hope you can get it resolved. 👍

The app is still as slow as right after the update. But since the last update I keep losing my settings of the EQ and others. True play keeps crashing and the sound of my system well let’s say it sounds a lot lesser like a cheaper set. Lost the full sound while using Dolby Atmos from Netflix of from audio from apple. !!! What the hell !! 
also the settings of my surround boxes are gone (have 2 Era 300 with an arc en sub ) 

because of the enormous problems and the way Sonos * over it’s users I will definitely not buy anymore Sonos products. And the headphone ? Well since that thing was released where all * !
For listening music I already stopped using Sonos!!!! 

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

I don’t find the new App a problem, like you describe, but I sometimes find the play/pause button a little slow to respond, but it’s not unbearable and everything in the App for music playback seems to be working here and the new search is really quick (see below search for your namesake)…


To Sonos Staff,

Will locally stored music (on the same computer/device as the Sonos app) be brought back in a future controller app version (as it was before these new versions the past several months)? That is: under Music Library Settings, the selection of individual music folders (plural) that may be added to Sonos. A NAS configuration is not the same and is more problem than solution.

I would appreciate a candid direct answer to my question from Sonos since I’m compelled to bring this up again due to inaccurate information and unfulfilled promises or goals continuously posted by Sonos regarding local library support (for instance, that it not only exists but it’s improved).

Perhaps see this valid Sonos Support Link:

I’ve tried the NAS workaround and it hasn’t worked at all. I cannot add my music to my desktop (Mac). I cannot play anything from the mobile app (iPhone, iPad). I have not been able to play any of my own music since May. The one and only workaround is that I can connect to one speaker at a time by bluetooth, and play directly from Apple Music. Not acceptable. The one fundamental promise Sonos made was ease of use. Having owned Sonos for over a decade, with thousands of dollars of equipment, they have rendered my system useless, unless I want to listen to Sonos radio exclusively. I really appreciate the help you’re trying to offer, but these workarounds just are not working for a number of users. There are so many other bugs with those who can actually use their system. All of this so that they could support their new headphones. 

If not tried already, perhaps give Sonos Support a call. Here is their link:

Hope you can get it resolved. 👍

I did actually try several times. Tried booking “level 2 help” at their suggestion, but the appointments are only issued for one day at a time, and they are always two weeks away.  The chat help said they couldn’t do anything, so I had to go to phone support. Cannot get through to phone support. Emailed them, which is when they suggested booking an appointment, but it’s almost impossible to book a time that works. 

I did actually try several times. Tried booking “level 2 help” at their suggestion, but the appointments are only issued for one day at a time, and they are always two weeks away.  The chat help said they couldn’t do anything, so I had to go to phone support. Cannot get through to phone support. Emailed them, which is when they suggested booking an appointment, but it’s almost impossible to book a time that works. 

The case is that Sonos no longer support http shared library access - the protocol and the old SMB v1 protocol are considered as having security vulnerabilities. A Sonos system needs an SMBv2 share (or higher). so you need to ensure your Mac PC is using SMB v2 etc. You then need to setup a Mac user account that has ‘read only’ access to that share. Then add the path, user account name and password to the Sonos App.  

Not sure if that helps you but that’s the steps you need to do.

Maybe this link will go some way assist you too…

I did actually try several times. Tried booking “level 2 help” at their suggestion, but the appointments are only issued for one day at a time, and they are always two weeks away.  The chat help said they couldn’t do anything, so I had to go to phone support. Cannot get through to phone support. Emailed them, which is when they suggested booking an appointment, but it’s almost impossible to book a time that works. 

The case is that Sonos no longer support http shared library access - the protocol and the old SMB v1 protocol are considered as having security vulnerabilities. A Sonos system needs an SMBv2 share (or higher). so you been to ensure your Mac PC is using SMB v2 etc. You thrn need to setup a Mac user account that has ‘read only’ access to that share. Then add the path, user account name and password to the Sonos App.  

Not sure if that helps you but that’s the steps you need to do.

Maybe this link will go some way assist you too…

I appreciate the advice. I’ve read all of the help articles, and gone through chat help. I have gone over the settings a dozen times and cannot get it to work. Because I cannot get anyone live, I cannot have them troubleshoot the issue. 

I appreciate the advice. I’ve read all of the help articles, and gone through chat help. I have gone over the settings a dozen times and cannot get it to work. Because I cannot get anyone live, I cannot have them troubleshoot the issue. 

Have you checked your Mac is using SMBv2 or higher?… I’m not a Mac user myself, but I did a search and came across these links: