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I currently use the S1 app. Unfortunately I have 2 Play Five’s that I have yet to upgrade but I wish to do so but not been a priority. 

I wish to buy the Roam and I wondered if I can just download the S2 app and set up the Roam or if I need to have already switched my whole system over to the S2?

I’m going away on holiday in a couple of weeks and don’t wish to wait on getting the Roam if I can help it.

Do you wish to have a split S1/S2 system, or all S2?

If the latter then you will need to switch over your system to S2 then add the Roam to it.

If the former then do nothing, and set up a fresh S2 system when your Roam shows up.

Long term, I will move everything to a S2 system but I am not about to rush large purchases just to get Roam to work nicely with everything but over the next 6-12 months I will do the upgrades. 

My question was, did I have to have everything on S2 in order to get Roam set up initially. But I believe that I don’t and can just download the S2 app with Roam and crack on. 

do you need to register the roam under new e mail address on s2?

I keep getting things moving between both apps and causing compatability issues.

too much trouble to just add a wireless speaker imho


do you need to register the roam under new e mail address on s2?

I keep getting things moving between both apps and causing compatability issues.

too much trouble to just add a wireless speaker imho


No, the Roam and its S2 setup can all be done under the same Sonos Account/E-Mail Address. If you ever get devices moving between the S1/S2 Apps, then you have not got the System split setup correctly and are in mixed mode (S1/S2 in mixed mode have the same HouseholdID)… you ideally need to create one of your Systems as a brand new Household and the problems will then stop and you will no longer have the compatibility issues mentioned.

I suspect most users choose to split their system by upgrading their "compatible only" components to S2 and then they opt to factory reset their S1 devices to create a brand new S1 Household on the same Sonos account.. the important step in the process is starting that new S1 HH from a factory reset state otherwise both remain linked via the HH ID.

cheers Ken I'll give it a go.

I moved all my newer stuff to s2 originally but had issues with speakers cutting out.

probably as I have an old boost set up with s1