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Resume playing after any network glitch.

  • 2 July 2024
  • 1 reply



I have a quesrion/suggestion.


Why Sonos Move, dont resume playing after any network glitch?



My Sonos Move, stops playing 4 or 5 times a day. It migth be due network constrains.... but way dont auto resume after any issue?


Só, my sonos if often stoped, and I need to pressionar play adianta in app.... why?





1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @ant99 

Welcome to the Sonos Community! And apologies for the delay.

Sorry to hear of the playback issues you’ve been having on your Sonos Move.

When playing a track and, for whatever reason, the stream of data stops, then a Sonos player will stop playing - it can do no more, considering the data stream has ended. What it does next, depends on the speaker’s queue - if the queue has further entries after what was playing, the speaker will move on to the next track in the queue. If there are no more entries in the queue, it will stop.

I suspect, therefore, that you are usually listening to radio? If every Sonos (or otherwise) speaker that played radio over the internet repeatedly attempted to try playing again after a failure, a possible result would be the station’s server being flooded with repeated connection attempts, possibly resulting in what would amount to an accidental DDOS attack, and the station eventually requesting that they be removed from our (or TuneIn, or myTuner, etc) lists, meaning, of course, that it would no longer be an option to play it at all.

This is a rather extreme, theoretical example, but I think you can probably see why we’d want to avoid flooding servers with connection attempts - especially when the cause of the data transport issue is very probably local to you. Instead of worrying about why it doesn’t automatically resume, I would be more concerned with addressing why it is stopping playback in the first place - I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and what it reports.

I suspect that a read of our Reduce wireless interference may save you some time, however - remember to keep both your router and your Move in mind when reading it.

I hope this helps.

