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I have many Sonos products including the first Move product.  I just purchased the Move 2 and was adding it to my system but Sonos was forcing me to update the app saying it was out of date.  It is not really that out of date - though I am waiting to update until I am satisfied that Sonos still supports Plex and access to my music on my NAS, including all my playlists.

Is there no way to add Move 2 without having to update to the new Sonos app, which is a major overhaul from all accounts.  I have read a massive amount of feedback with upset Sonos users about the new app and want to tread lightly before I update to this new Sonos version.

During purchase, (which I did with a Sonos representative) they should indicate that it requires the new app to use.  If it is in the small print somewhere, it certainly isn’t anywhere that I saw.  I would like to keep the speaker but not if I am forced to update the app.  Since the Move 2 was released last September and worked with the same app version I have, why is it now requiring the newer app to work? It worked before the new app release in early May.  It should allow me to use the new speaker without the forced app update.  Otherwise I’ll return it.

Expecting to add a Move 2 with an old app that preceded the release of the Move 2 by several months (and therefore probably has no integrated support for any of the new hardware) is difficult take.  That’s not usually how it works.  Matter of fact, rushing out the new hardware support is most likely to blame for the app being in this half-baked state upon release.

Thank you for your reply.  I will respectfully disagree however. Please re-read what I said. 

I am currently on version 16.1.1. Version 16.1 was released March 12th so, while I am a not on the newest, major software update (80.00.08 up to the latest 80.02.04) it’s because of the nearly universal outrage and caution from upset users.  

Move 2 was released back in early September of 2023.  So your comment that I expect to add Move 2 with an old app that preceded the release of Move 2 by several months is completely untrue (unless I’m missing something).  Users who purchased Move 2 when it came out from September up until the new app release on May 7th, would not have to be concerned about this new software fiasco.

If I purchased the Move 2 in mid-February for example, I would have been on the new version of 16.  Perhaps it would have forced me to update the app - and if it did, at least I know there wasn’t a massive, major change to their App/software that I needed to be concerned about.

So forgetting all that, is it possible to add Move 2 to my system without having to update to the new, problematic and still lingering concerns with the software update?

I’m hoping Sonos figures everything out as I’ve invested thousands into their product.

Again, thank you for your reply. I hope my reply doesn’t come off tart because I don’t mean for it to.  Thanks!

I apologize.  I misread the Move 2 as a Roam 2.  Mea culpa.

No worries. Thanks!

I’m assuming there’s no way to not add Move 2 without updating the software? Guess the Move 2 gets sent back until I am satisfied (if ever) that they’ve addressed my main concerns of which users have loudly voiced as well.

No worries. Thanks!

I’m assuming there’s no way to not add Move 2 without updating the software? Guess the Move 2 gets sent back until I am satisfied (if ever) that they’ve addressed my main concerns of which users have loudly voiced as well.


There's actually no way to add any new products without updating. It's part of the process.

Yeah, I knew that but was hoping someone had a nifty workaround.  So I’ll have to consider my options.  Thanks much.