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How to use a bridge on S2 with Player3 and Move

  • 25 December 2020
  • 2 replies

I have an older Bridge and if I remember correctly I was informed that it was no longer needed for S1 and player 3. I   have switched over to S2 for my player 3 and added a Move as well. Is there anyway to use my older  bridge on s2 for these two products and is it worth the effort? If not is there a way to sell it that it others can use it?




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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

The Bridge does not work with S2, Sonos actively discourages using it because it uses an old form of Sonosnet and power supplies can fail leading to outages. You could sell it on eBay, though....

The Bridge is not S2 compatible. You can check your system profile to see if you can get a credit towards a Boost. The Bridge will cause more problems even in an S1 environment. The Boost will work in either. Anyone well informed about Sonos will not bother purchasing a Bridge. IMO it would be money wasted that could put towards a Boost module.