Have no problems updating and using all other Sonos products. Got a new Roam today and it needs to install updates before it can be used. Tried multiple times. Takes forever and then comes back with Error 30. Tried all things suggested on Sonos website and forum. And ideas?
error 30 on new roam - tried everything
Have you tried rebooting your router and phone and deleting and reinstalling the Sonos app?
Have you tried rebooting your router and phone and deleting and reinstalling the Sonos app?
Thanks for suggestions. Yes, I’ve tried all those things. None worked. The Roam is showing up on the S2 app. But just doesn’t update. And when it’s trying to update it seems to take down or slow down the WiFi itself. WiFi is fine - no other connected devices are experiencing issues with connectivity when the Roam is not trying to update. Also tried update using another mobile device, and with Roam right next to router. Have had no issues with auto updates on any of the other Sonos speakers and they are also all functioning fine. Just feels like a fault with the Roam itself.
Perhaps try a factory reset of the firmware and try the device setup again. The reset procedure is shown here:
Error 30 is usually connected with not being able to get the update - so check everything is good with the internet connection and perhaps use the 2.4Ghz band WiFi during the setup, rather than the 5Ghz band.
Perhaps try a factory reset of the firmware and try the device setup again. The reset procedure is shown here:
Error 30 is usually connected with not being able to get the update - so check everything is good with the internet connection and perhaps use the 2.4Ghz band WiFi during the setup, rather than the 5Ghz band.
Arris TG1672 and spectrum is the ISP
The only thing I was able to find on a ‘similar’ (not exactly the same) model of Arris router was this old thread …
I highlight it however, as it is also shown on the Sonos incompatibility device list here, which you may want to have a quick look at FWIW, though it may not be applicable to your precise model:
Thanks Ken. I’m going to try an update using the WiFi at the office where I work to either confirm or eliminate my home router being the likely issue. I think I can update it using any WiFi connection so long as the Roam and my phone are both connected to the same WiFi. I’ll do a factory reset before I try it.
So the update worked fine on the office WiFi network so it suggests incompatibility with my home router…yet all other Sonos speakers (including the Move speaker) work totally fine with my home router! Is there something different about the Roam, or the initial update that’s needed? Of course although I’ve gotten the Roam working now, it’s only via Bluetooth (admittedly the method I’d use 90% of the time) or while on my office WiFi network. I can’t link it to the other Sonos speakers on my home network without changing the Roam network via a factory reset at home, which I’m guessing will continue to fail when it tries to update. So infuriating!
I will do some guessing here … do you perhaps have one (or more) of your Sonos devices wired to your Local network at home? If so, then that means your Home Sonos devices are running on their own internal wireless SonosNet mesh network, rather than your routers WiFi network. See this link:
SonosNet mesh is only suitable for static non-portable Sonos devices. So for that reason both the Sonos ‘Roam’ and the Sonos ‘Move’ do not use SonosNet, they must use your router’s WiFi network instead.
The reason for them not using SonosNet, is because as they are moved about the Home on a regular basis, if they were part of a Mesh network system, they would cause ‘havoc’ creating and breaking links between the various ‘static’ Sonos devices - so I’m thinking that’s why your existing devices are working okay, but your Roam doesn’t because of ‘possible’ incompatibility with your local WiFi.
So if any of your existing speakers are wired to the LAN (and you do only need one device wired) then I think that’s likely the reason why ‘just’ your Roam isn’t currently working. Hope that makes sense?
Did you perhaps also see this support document (below) by the way for the slightly different model of Arris router and the two different setup options - if you do happen to have one Sonos device ‘wired’ you might want to consider the mentioned "option-2”, as perhaps that may work for you?
Note: if it’s applicable and if you do decide you want to look at option-2, you may find that you first need to add your WiFi credentials to your Sonos App via "Settings/System/Network/Manage Networks/Update Networks” before trying to run ALL in wireless mode. Just follow the onscreen instructions to add your wireless network (if required).
That’s okay
Welcome to the Sonos Community!
When updating, it’s extremely important that the update file is downloaded without error. When you download a file on your computer and one of the connections on the path to the server is broken, another path is sought and the download resumes. When Sonos updates and there is a broken connection on the path to the server, the update is halted and goes no further. This is the usual reason for error 30. Your situation is a bit strange, however, as your other speakers don’t report an issue. There could be an issue with the Roam’s local reception of the data, but just moving it would resolve that.
Now that your Roam has updated, it won’t need to update again when you add it to your home system, so you shouldn’t have any immediate trouble.
When the next update comes along, if the Roam fails to update again, I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and what it reports. Be sure to mention that the Roam’s first update was only successful on another network.
Just FYI I did the restart on the Roam and it did successfully connect to my home network without having to go through another update, so thanks for that insight
thanks for the responses!
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