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I have 2 Play 5s and 3 Play 1s scattered around a 4,000 sf ranch house. Fills the place with sound … when it works. I don’t use it often, typically Saturday or Sunday mornings like now.

It is never as simple as just open the app, start the music. Always some update that has to run. (Why can’t they schedule those to run in the background? I don’t know.) Then the system has to find the units. Hey, not on the right network...Why not? Not sure. I have 2 routers, both with 2.4 and 5 G but the units seem to switch around and attach themselves elsewhere or just drop off. Can you hold the button down? Sure, no problem, let me just get the ladder because 2 of them are way up on top of cabinets. Can you restart the router? Why, that’s no problem, I LOVE to do that stuff. 

Will it work today? I don’t know. Couldn’t get it running over my phone and now the update is running in the background on my PC, been downloading for 20 minutes. This is great. 


You really should work on fixing your Sonos system, once you have it right you should have no issues other than outside WiFi or RF blocking your connections.

On updates, I schedule the controllers to auto-update and when/if a system update is needed it usually only takes a couple minutes. If you don’t update your controllers you shouldn’t need to update your system before using it. Defer the update to a time that is good for you, some have been skipping all updates for many years now.

Success! Only took 55 minutes start to finish!

Good luck!

Seriously, I don’t need to fuss with such details from one decade to the next. Obviously, if I move, add or delete SONOS products or change my router, there are some considerations, but there are no day to day details to fuss with.

Describe your SONOS system and network for us. What is wired? Wireless? Model numbers? Network switches? Router model? Which controllers are you using (computer, iPhone/iPad.Android)? Two routers can cause issues if not setup correctly. Is this a “mesh” WifI network?

Now, the ladder. 

Well, there’s number 4!

Got 3 of 5 speakers working. “Updating system’s network settings….2-3 min process.” Wish me luck!