Besides the fact that SONOS as a word is a Palindrome meaning it reads/pronounced the same spelled backwards and forwards (pretty neat marketing) I’ve always wondered from whence the name was derived by founders John MacFarlane, Craig Shelburne, Tom Cullen and Trung Mai.
1. Personally, I prefer the Latin derivative ‘Sonus’, which is the root of sonic and sound.

2. Although it could also be an acronym for "silicon–oxide–nitride–oxide–silicon" which is used in memory technology.
I’ve not been able to find anything on the SONOS website that speaks to the history (origin) of the name and would be interested to read your take or tell me where it’s discussed. Out of curiosity which would you prefer to believe as the origin of the SONOS brand/name, 1 or 2 :?. Please cast your vote