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So Sonos had their current quarter earnings call that exceeded the market’s expectations and more. This was after a few quarters of truly mediocre results. So what’s next for them? Just wanted to open it up to see what’s next for Sonos. 

I’m really hoping for a new Linux kernel for the S2 capable devices with all the good stuff that would bring along with it.

Putting some serious effort into improving the startup time of the S2 controller, 20-30 seconds from tapping to usable gets painfully slow when wanting to tap the “don’t play” button on a new playlist every few minutes.

A simple non-touch - all real button hardware controller to replace the CR-100 for folks with disabilities.

Never gonna happen but would be sweet, a Sonos music only NAS device. Just big and fast enough to hold a music library and not using SMB for connectivity.


Anything Sonos can do to help out the folks (not me) still on S1.

Looks like Sonos might be announcing a smaller version of the Move in March.

“A new Sonos product is set to launch next month. That's news straight from the top - the speaker giant's CEO Patrick Spence confirmed as much during an earnings call on Wednesday.

"We remain committed to launching at least two new products per year and are well on track as we look at our fiscal 2021 product roadmap," he told investors during the call. "We are excited to introduce our newest product next month. Stay tuned for details.””

I’m really hoping for a new Linux kernel for the S2 capable devices with all the good stuff that would bring along with it.

Putting some serious effort into improving the startup time of the S2 controller, 20-30 seconds from tapping to usable gets painfully slow when wanting to tap the “don’t play” button on a new playlist every few minutes.

A simple non-touch - all real button hardware controller to replace the CR-100 for folks with disabilities.

Never gonna happen but would be sweet, a Sonos music only NAS device. Just big and fast enough to hold a music library and not using SMB for connectivity.


Anything Sonos can do to help out the folks (not me) still on S1.


My s2 app launches and is useable in about 2 seconds - iPhone 11. 

Anything Sonos can do to help out the folks (not me) still on S1.

S1 till my hardware dies! I don’t need any help other than keeping present functionality going till then.

What was on your mind with the quoted?

Given the fcc filings I think a small move and Sonos headphones are two products being released this year.  I predict the headphones first.

I too am hoping for a decent re-vamp of the S2 app.  Not much has changed in the 10 months since it was launched, lots of Arc relate bug fixes but no new content to speak so i’m guessing there is a major rewrite going on.

I’d like to see a browser based Sonos App, saveable playlists, some icons for Line in sources(yes it’s silly i know) Switchable themes (B&W), easier ways to add different WiFi credentials to the Move and ability to swap between quickly via the app. Night mode that can be scheduled, display the Surround mode for all codecs, not just Dolby Atmos,  when using a home theatre product. and…….

Given the fcc filings I think a small move and Sonos headphones are two products being released this year.  I predict the headphones first.



This is what I’m thinking as well. That filing was done first, afterall.  The counter arguments to this though are that a mini move would sell better over the summer, and that mini move is likely easier to development, assuming it has the same functionality as a full size move.  The headphones would have some complication.


I too am hoping for a decent re-vamp of the S2 app.  Not much has changed in the 10 months since it was launched, lots of Arc relate bug fixes but no new content to speak so i’m guessing there is a major rewrite going on.



I don’t know that’s the case.  I mean, I don’t think the lack of activity on the app means they have big changes brewing.  And honestly, app changes in the past haven’t had great results for them.  Seems like it’s usually about 30% who like the old version better, 30% who are upset that they didn’t implement their favorite feature. 30% who don’t care, and 10% who actually like the change.


I’d like to see a browser based Sonos App, saveable playlists, some icons for Line in sources(yes it’s silly i know) Switchable themes (B&W), easier ways to add different WiFi credentials to the Move and ability to swap between quickly via the app. Night mode that can be scheduled, display the Surround mode for all codecs, not just Dolby Atmos,  when using a home theatre product. and…….


I love all these ideas, particularly the customization related ones.  While I get that company want to use their apps to promote a brand image,  I think customers really like being able to customize their experience with the colors and features they want the most.  “dialed in’, if you will.

A smaller and less expensive Bluetooth speaker would be a smart move for Sonos. It would be a great way to introduce the Sonos ecosystem to a new group of younger consumers who want something more portable and are on a limited budget. 

So if only two products a year we can kiss goodbye to any hopes of a more ‘upscale’ HT product that allows for a centre speaker and sides rather than a soundbar. 

they have the hight end and low/mid covered in all other categories so can’t see where else they can go with the soundbars/single speakers. Anything higher than the play 5 is goong to have limited appeal given the likely cost. And the Amp already has a route to using ‘better’ speakers for stereo. 

mini move and headphones would be welcome additions. 

so other than the above 3 product types not sure there is much else I see a need for. The media server is a good idea - but as I stream everything not sure it’d find a place in the ecosystem. 

it puzzled me why they did not add a digital in to the Port so that Cd players or streamers could be connected. Seems odd to have to connect those via analogue route. 



Sonos has never been a high end speaker company, much more of a middle market ‘good speakers for reasonable-ish prices’ company. Nor have they indicated any desire in their past to penetrate the high end of the home theater market, which would be served by separates for front speakers in a home theater setup.

They appear to remain squarely focused at the “easy to implement” solutions for whole home music. 

No matter what we ask them for :)

Sonos has never been a high end speaker company, much more of a middle market ‘good speakers for reasonable-ish prices’ company. Nor have they indicated any desire in their past to penetrate the high end of the home theater market, which would be served by separates for front speakers in a home theater setup.

They appear to remain squarely focused at the “easy to implement” solutions for whole home music. 

No matter what we ask them for :)

true. And agreed But the opening question was wide open as much about wish as prediction. 

20 years ago who would have though Apple would make phones and planning a car? So never say never. Just because something has been, does not mean it always will be. So no harm in asking. Even if the chances are slim. 

sonos has to innovate and ho somewhere. And there is a market for the HT separates judging by this forum. Whether it is big enough to make money only Sonos can decide that. But I’m sure I’m not the only one who’sld be willing to pay 3x play 5 and a port money for a ‘proper’ front set of speakers that has more placement options or a set of upward firing rears or whatever else they could do to improve the TH experience. 

thouhh if I had to choose between that ‘dreamware’ and them making the Arc less problematic - i’d settle for bug fixes! 

i don’t need sonos headphones. But I’m still glad they’re making them. And how many years have people been asking? 

How come there are no wishes for a full HD audio implementation?:relaxed:

How come there are no wishes for a full HD audio implementation?:relaxed:

Is the kit even capable of processing it? It would be nice to have - but they’ve missed the boat I expect. Would require entire new setup of units I imagine. One day maybe. The can’t even deliver a box on time - never mind sync the delivery of multi channel high bitrate ha ha. 

So I think that one of the other things that Sonos has to start thinking about with its success and separating itself from other audiophile companies beyond hardware and software is to start thinking of itself as a lifestyle company. The Move (and anticipated smaller version), it’s Home Theater products and even what it is doing with its Sonos HD Radio Presents, and its partnership with Ikea are all examples of expanding beyond just “speakers” even though that’s all they are. If it was me, I would continue thinking about what other lifestyles it can align with beyond just simple whole house audio systems and either align, find strategic partnerships or invest into things like that to continue bringing Sonos into the mainstream vernacular. Just a thought.

So I think that one of the other things that Sonos has to start thinking about with its success and separating itself from other audiophile companies beyond hardware and software is to start thinking of itself as a lifestyle company. The Move (and anticipated smaller version), it’s Home Theater products and even what it is doing with its Sonos HD Radio Presents, and its partnership with Ikea are all examples of expanding beyond just “speakers” even though that’s all they are. If it was me, I would continue thinking about what other lifestyles it can align with beyond just simple whole house audio systems and either align, find strategic partnerships or invest into things like that to continue bringing Sonos into the mainstream vernacular. Just a thought.


Well, I don’t think Sonos ever really thought of themselves as an audiophile company.  IMO, they have always aimed for more a ‘premium’ level of audio for whole home situations.  Regardless, I agree that Sonos has established a brand and they should continue to look for ways to leverage that brand for ‘easy’ profit.  I do think they are accomplishing that in ways, but they are not making any products that don’t fit into the original goal of whole home audio.  Maybe that’s the smart move not sure.  

Sonos did buy a company that has a voice assistant technology, without cloud, so it’s entirely possible we could see them move in that direction at some point.

Apparently, there will be a Sonos special event March 9, 2021 at 1:00 PM PT to announce the “latest addition to the Sonos system.”