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Removal of SMBv1 adverse impact on other Mac functionality?

  • 19 July 2024
  • 2 replies

I learned today that if I want the Sonos app to access the local Apple music library stored on my MacBook Pro, I will need to disable SMBv1 on my MBP.  I believe, SMB is a fundamental part of the Mac O/S and its ability to communicate with servers. And perhaps it is used by other apps in ways I am unaware of. My question is, what, if any, is the adverse effect of disabling SMBv1?  

BTW, I have read in other threads on here that Sonos may have it’s knickers in a knot over something (weak security via SMBv1) that has never happened.

Rant: the new Sonos app bites the big you know what … the rollout is bush league. They must have a bunch first graders running their application team. 

2 replies

Maybe see this link… it’s years old but it shows back in 2019 the risks highlighted. Sonos are just following what Microsoft, Apple, Google, Amazon and others have done already and this is to move to the upgraded version of the sharing protocol.

I think as a Home user I’ve been using SMBv2/3 since around the time of the S1/S2 split in August 2020

My guess is that lawyers suggested that a lawsuit over use of a known insecure access method was too much risk. Certainly Sonos might be a relatively large target to sue, although not as large as Apple. On the other hand, Apple has the opportunity for many, many more lawyers. 
