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One of my two dogs seems to be alarmed by the Sonos Speaker when I play it. I have turned off Loudness reduced the volume limit to no avail. 

I assume the speaker emits in a range that triggers my dog unlike any other audio device Ive had before.  Not the tv not the bluetooth speakers ive had.


Have any of you encountered this ? 

Does the source you are playing make any difference?

Yes, I have notice this.  Volume and source definitely make a difference, and it only happens rarely. Both dogs appear to notice, but only one ever complains about and he’s older.

Some HD sources may have “higher than you can hear” sound frequencies that aren’t being properly filtered out. I don’t know a cheap way to check that.

There are some beacons that allow speakers to recognize each other. I don’t know how often these are emitted. I’d appreciate an option to suppress this. I imagine that cats would be more sensitive to this.

I only use streaming services at this time with this speaker, mostly Tidal.