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Something I've always been curious about, what's the average age of a Sonos owner?

If you don't wanna share that's fine, I just thought it would be interesting to see how well me mix.

Answer the poll anonymously and, if you wish, tell us your exact age.

I just turned 31. 😃
ooo that's a good one. Something I was curious about too. I've always assumed we had a good mix, but it would be good to find out.
I think we're going to find we're all quite old...well, over 30 anyway! Probably quite close correlation to earnings too. How about other demographics? Not to sound sexist, but any women out there?
The poll is flawed though - the categories need to start x1.
Being 30, I naturally put myself in the 25-30 category instead of 30-40. 😉
no women out there then... interesting. guess Sonos can cancel its advert in Cosmo... and put one in FHM 😉
Happy to see that I am younger than the median, at a sprightly 29! 😃
Wow, well I am really in the minority here
Wow, well I am really in the minority here

Are you the one 'up to 20'? (If you don't mind me asking! 😉 )

are you the 'pam' or the 'dave'?

if the former, you might qualify as the only woman!
I am female Sonos owner ( already voted on the poll) I'm sure i'm not the only one

I am female Sonos owner ( already voted on the poll) I'm sure i'm not the only one


Careful WoC, you'll get all these single nerdy geeks hitting on you 😃
I'm in the 20-25

WoC, Hey Pretty Mama!
OK, now the cats out of the bag.

In case you haven't figured it out allready by my user name "Richie1957":D

Just turned 49 on March 27, yes i'm an Aries:p
and DigitalBoy is perhaps a little misleading... 😃

are you the 'pam' or the 'dave'?

if the former, you might qualify as the only woman!

Unfortunately (for the stats 😃 ... and WoC) I am the latter!
Careful WoC, you'll get all these single nerdy geeks hitting on you :D

Watch it now – I resemble that remark. :)

Remember Bill Gates is a nerdy geek.