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Sonos Radio not working?

  • 10 November 2020
  • 21 replies

All of a sudden this morning my Sonos Radio Stations won’t work. Reset my router.   All other service’s work on Sonos - Apple Music and Radio, and TineIn (which is new to pop up on my menu).  But cannot connect or play Sonos Radio!  Non of the stations work.  Cruise control was my go to.    What to do. ?


did submit a diagnostic report. 1508963402

Same here. Cant access any Sonos Radio. I have checked that my App is up to date, which it is.

All other sources work OK including playing from Spotify. Have raised a ticket and I am awaiting a response.

In the past hour it has started working again for me. I am still in discussion with the support team to establish the root cause.

Thanks so much. Will try mine now

Same for me. Just keeps popping up with ‘Unable to play the Radio station’

Still no luck for me. This is my error message. 


same here

Mine says Sonos Radio needs to be reauthorized, but it will not allow me to do that.

I removed the app and added it again hoping that would work - but no. 

It has been working OK for me all day. The last suggestion I got from the  Support team was to re-authorize my account for Sonos Radio in the “Settings/Services & Voice” menu.

I didn’t try this as once it started working I figured it was best to leave it that way.

There is clearly something strange going on as several members of the community have all reported the same fault. I wonder if it is country specific. I am based in the UK, how about others?

Location: WI, USA

I’m in Canada.  

I’m in Australia. Still experiencing the same issue. Other services (e.g. TuneIn, Apple Music) working as normal.

Just wondering if powering off ALL Sonos devices and then bringing them back online, one at a time, might fix the issue? I’ve seen others elsewhere online say that has worked for them in the past, but I can’t confirm if it will work on this occasion, but maybe worth a try.

Has anyone seen or heard from Sonos?   Seems strange to me that they’re no all over this given we can play all other streaming services other than theirs !

This worked for me:

Unplug modem

Unplug router

Unplug all Sonos

Wait 1 min

Plug all above in same order waiting for each to reboot and reconnect before plugging in the next.


Has anyone seen or heard from Sonos?   Seems strange to me that they’re no all over this given we can play all other streaming services other than theirs !

Spotted on Twitter:

“This is a bug we detected this morning. Our guys are working on it so id ask you to wait and try again tomorrow."

Agree, it seems odd for them to be so quiet. No reply here, and nothing on


Thanks for the replies indicating in which country you all live. Clearly the problem is not limited to one country or region. Interesting that Sonos have acknowledged on Twitter that there is a bug, but not on the support ticket I raised.

Mine continues to work OK after sorting itself out. All Sonos have asked me to do is to keep monitoring it and report if it fails again. No mention of a known issue that is being worked on. Sorry to hear that the problem still isn’t sorted for some of you.

I am having the same problem. Have done some digging and it appears to be routed in a legal dispute. 

All of a sudden it’s working now!  Thanks everyone for you help!

I upgraded my iPhone operating system to iOS 14.2 and it corrected the problem.

The last suggestion I got from the  Support team was to re-authorize my account for Sonos Radio in the “Settings/Services & Voice” menu.


This solved it for me - thank you! :thumbsup_tone1: